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FGFR1 over exp - Gene Variant Detail


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Gene FGFR1
Variant over exp
Impact List none
Protein Effect no effect
Gene Variant Descriptions FGFR1 over exp indicates an over expression of the FGFR1 protein. However, the mechanism causing the over expression is unspecified.
Associated Drug Resistance
Category Variants Paths

FGFR1 over exp


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No Variant Reference Transcript is Available.
No transcript is Available.


  • Case insensitive filtering will display rows if any text in any cell matches the filter term
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  • Separate multiple filter terms with a space. Any order may be used (i. e. a b c and c b a are equivalent )
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  • Use quotes to match on a longer phrase with spaces (i.e. "mtor c1483f")


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  • Click on any column header arrows to sort by that column
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Clinical Trial Phase Therapies Title Recruitment Status Covered Countries Other Countries
NCT06263153 Phase II Durvalumab + Futibatinib Futibatinib in Combination With Durvalumab Prior to Cystectomy for the Treatment of Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Patients Who Are Ineligible for Cisplatin-based Therapy Recruiting USA 0
NCT03088059 Phase II Niraparib Durvalumab + Monalizumab Methotrexate Carboplatin Rogaratinib Mitomycin C Docetaxel Afatinib Paclitaxel Durvalumab Monalizumab Palbociclib Bleomycin Gemcitabine Fluorouracil Biomarker-based Study in R/M SCCHN (UPSTREAM) Active, not recruiting ITA | GBR | FRA | ESP | BEL 0
NCT03410693 Phase II Docetaxel Vinflunine Paclitaxel Rogaratinib Study of Rogaratinib (BAY1163877) vs Chemotherapy in Patients With FGFR (Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor)-Positive Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (FORT-1) Completed USA | SWE | SVK | POL | NLD | ITA | ISR | IRL | HUN | GBR | FRA | FIN | ESP | DNK | DEU | CZE | CHE | CAN | BEL | AUT | AUS 8
NCT04040725 Phase II Rogaratinib Rogaratinib for BCG Refractory High Risk Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer With FGFR1/2 Overexpression Withdrawn 0
NCT03517956 Phase I Copanlisib + Rogaratinib Phase 1 Study of the Combination of Rogaratinib With Copanlisib in Patients With Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR)-Positive, Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors (ROCOCO) Completed USA | ESP | DEU | BEL 2
NCT03473756 Phase Ib/II Atezolizumab Atezolizumab + Rogaratinib Phase 1b/2 Study of Rogaratinib (BAY1163877) in Combination With Atezolizumab in Urothelial Carcinoma (FORT-2) Completed USA | ITA | FRA | ESP | DEU | AUT 2