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Ref Type Journal Article
PMID (28644114)
Authors Stone RM, Mandrekar SJ, Sanford BL, Laumann K, Geyer S, Bloomfield CD, Thiede C, Prior TW, Döhner K, Marcucci G, Lo-Coco F, Klisovic RB, Wei A, Sierra J, Sanz MA, Brandwein JM, de Witte T, Niederwieser D, Appelbaum FR, Medeiros BC, Tallman MS, Krauter J, Schlenk RF, Ganser A, Serve H, Ehninger G, Amadori S, Larson RA, Döhner H
Title Midostaurin plus Chemotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia with a FLT3 Mutation.
Abstract Text Patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and a FLT3 mutation have poor outcomes. We conducted a phase 3 trial to determine whether the addition of midostaurin - an oral multitargeted kinase inhibitor that is active in patients with a FLT3 mutation - to standard chemotherapy would prolong overall survival in this population.We screened 3277 patients, 18 to 59 years of age, who had newly diagnosed AML for FLT3 mutations. Patients were randomly assigned to receive standard chemotherapy (induction therapy with daunorubicin and cytarabine and consolidation therapy with high-dose cytarabine) plus either midostaurin or placebo; those who were in remission after consolidation therapy entered a maintenance phase in which they received either midostaurin or placebo. Randomization was stratified according to subtype of FLT3 mutation: point mutation in the tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) or internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutation with either a high ratio (>0.7) or a low ratio (0.05 to 0.7) of mutant to wild-type alleles (ITD [high] and ITD [low], respectively). Allogeneic transplantation was allowed. The primary end point was overall survival.A total of 717 patients underwent randomization; 360 were assigned to the midostaurin group, and 357 to the placebo group. The FLT3 subtype was ITD (high) in 214 patients, ITD (low) in 341 patients, and TKD in 162 patients. The treatment groups were well balanced with respect to age, race, FLT3 subtype, cytogenetic risk, and blood counts but not with respect to sex (51.7% in the midostaurin group vs. 59.4% in the placebo group were women, P=0.04). Overall survival was significantly longer in the midostaurin group than in the placebo group (hazard ratio for death, 0.78; one-sided P=0.009), as was event-free survival (hazard ratio for event or death, 0.78; one-sided P=0.002). In both the primary analysis and an analysis in which data for patients who underwent transplantation were censored, the benefit of midostaurin was consistent across all FLT3 subtypes. The rate of severe adverse events was similar in the two groups.The addition of the multitargeted kinase inhibitor midostaurin to standard chemotherapy significantly prolonged overall and event-free survival among patients with AML and a FLT3 mutation. (Funded by the National Cancer Institute and Novartis; number, NCT00651261 .).


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Molecular Profile Treatment Approach
FLT3 I836X FLT3 Inhibitor
Gene Name Source Synonyms Protein Domains Gene Description Gene Role
Therapy Name Drugs Efficacy Evidence Clinical Trials
Drug Name Trade Name Synonyms Drug Classes Drug Description
Gene Variant Impact Protein Effect Variant Description Associated with drug Resistance
Molecular Profile Indication/Tumor Type Response Type Therapy Name Approval Status Evidence Type Efficacy Evidence References
FLT3 exon 14 ins acute myeloid leukemia sensitive Cytarabine + Daunorubicin + Midostaurin FDA approved - On Companion Diagnostic Actionable In a Phase III trial that supported FDA approval, treatment with Rydapt (midostaurin), combined with Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin, improved overall survival (74.7 mo vs 25.6 mo) in patients with FLT3-mutant (D835X and I836X) or FLT3-ITD (exon 14 insertions) acute myeloid leukemia compared to Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin with placebo (PMID: 28644114). 28644114 detail... detail...
FLT3 I836del acute myeloid leukemia sensitive Cytarabine + Daunorubicin + Midostaurin FDA approved - On Companion Diagnostic Actionable In a Phase III trial that supported FDA approval, treatment with Rydapt (midostaurin), combined with Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin, improved overall survival (74.7 mo vs 25.6 mo) in patients with FLT3-mutant (D835 and I836) or FLT3-ITD (exon 14 insertions) acute myeloid leukemia compared to Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin with placebo (PMID: 28644114). 28644114 detail... detail...
FLT3 D835del acute myeloid leukemia sensitive Cytarabine + Daunorubicin + Midostaurin FDA approved - On Companion Diagnostic Actionable In a Phase III trial that supported FDA approval, treatment with Rydapt (midostaurin), combined with Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin, improved overall survival (74.7 mo vs 25.6 mo) in patients with FLT3-mutant (D835 and I836) or FLT3-ITD (exon 14 insertions) acute myeloid leukemia compared to Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin with placebo (PMID: 28644114). detail... 28644114 detail...
FLT3 mutant acute myeloid leukemia sensitive Cytarabine + Daunorubicin + Midostaurin FDA approved - Has Companion Diagnostic Actionable In a Phase III trial that supported FDA approval, treatment with Rydapt (midostaurin), combined with Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin, improved overall survival (HR=0.78, p=0.009) and event-free survival (HR=0.78, p=0.002) in patients with FLT3-mutant (ITD, D835X, and I836X mutations) acute myeloid leukemia compared to Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin with placebo (PMID: 28644114; NCT00651261). 28644114 detail... detail...
FLT3 I836X acute myeloid leukemia sensitive Cytarabine + Daunorubicin + Midostaurin FDA approved - On Companion Diagnostic Actionable In a Phase III trial that supported FDA approval, treatment with Rydapt (midostaurin), combined with Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin, improved overall survival (74.7 mo vs 25.6 mo) in patients with FLT3-mutant (D835X and I836X) or FLT3-ITD (exon 14 insertions) acute myeloid leukemia compared to Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin with placebo (PMID: 28644114). detail... detail... 28644114
FLT3 D835X acute myeloid leukemia sensitive Cytarabine + Daunorubicin + Midostaurin FDA approved - On Companion Diagnostic Actionable In a Phase III trial that supported FDA approval, treatment with Rydapt (midostaurin), combined with Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin, improved overall survival (74.7 mo vs 25.6 mo) in patients with FLT3-mutant (D835X and I836X) or FLT3-ITD (exon 14 insertions) acute myeloid leukemia compared to Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin with placebo (PMID: 28644114). detail... 28644114 detail...
FLT3 exon 15 ins acute myeloid leukemia sensitive Cytarabine + Daunorubicin + Midostaurin FDA approved - On Companion Diagnostic Actionable In a Phase III trial that supported FDA approval, treatment with Rydapt (midostaurin), combined with Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin, improved overall survival (74.7 mo vs 25.6 mo) in patients with FLT3-mutant (D835X and I836X) or FLT3-ITD (exon 14 insertions, exon 15 insertions) acute myeloid leukemia compared to Cytosar-U (cytarabine) and Daunorubicin with placebo (PMID: 28644114). 28644114