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Profile Name IDH1 R132G
Gene Variant Detail

IDH1 R132G (gain of function)

Relevant Treatment Approaches IDH Inhibitor (Pan) IDH1 Inhibitor


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Clinical Trial Phase Therapies Title Recruitment Status Covered Countries Other Countries
NCT06465953 Phase III Azacitidine Ivosidenib Ivosidenib (IVO) Monotherapy and Azacitidine (AZA) Monotherapy in Patients With Hypomethylating Agent (HMA) Naive Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) With an IDH1 Mutation (PyramIDH) Recruiting USA | GBR | AUS 1
NCT06161974 Phase II Olutasidenib + Temozolomide Study of Olutasidenib and Temozolomide in HGG Recruiting USA | NLD | GBR | DEU | CAN | AUS 0
NCT03953898 Phase II Olaparib Using the Anticancer Drug Olaparib to Treat Relapsed/Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia or Myelodysplastic Syndrome With an Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH) Mutation Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04088188 Phase I Cisplatin + Gemcitabine + Pemigatinib Cisplatin + Gemcitabine + Ivosidenib Gemcitabine and Cisplatin With Ivosidenib or Pemigatinib for the Treatment of Unresectable or Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma Terminated USA 0
NCT05876754 Phase III Ivosidenib An Early Access Study of Ivosidenib in Patients With a Pretreated Locally Advanced or Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma (ProvIDHe) Recruiting SWE | ROU | NLD | ITA | IRL | GBR | FRA | ESP | DEU | CAN | BEL | AUT | AUS 2
NCT06127407 Phase III Ivosidenib Ivosidenib in Participants With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Conventional Chondrosarcoma Untreated or Previously Treated With 1 Systemic Treatment Regimen (CHONQUER) Recruiting USA | GBR | CAN | BRA | AUS 1
NCT04056910 Phase II Ivosidenib + Nivolumab Ivosidenib (AG-120) With Nivolumab in IDH1 Mutant Tumors Completed USA 0
NCT04164901 Phase III Vorasidenib Study of Vorasidenib (AG-881) in Participants With Residual or Recurrent Grade 2 Glioma With an IDH1 or IDH2 Mutation (INDIGO) Active, not recruiting USA | NLD | ITA | ISR | GBR | FRA | ESP | DEU | CHE | CAN 1
NCT06501625 Phase Ib/II Cisplatin + Durvalumab + Gemcitabine + Ivosidenib Ivosidenib Plus Durvalumab and Gemcitabine/Cisplatin as First-Line Therapy in Participants With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma With an IDH1 Mutation Recruiting USA | ESP | DEU 2
NCT05921760 Phase Ib/II Ipilimumab + Ivosidenib + Nivolumab Ivosidenib, Nivolumab, and Ipilimumab Combination in Previously Treated Subjects With Nonresectable or Metastatic IDH1 Mutant Cholangiocarcinoma Completed USA | GBR 0