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Ref Type Journal Article
PMID (30101387)
Authors Kelly CM, Shoushtari AN, Qin LX, D'Angelo SP, Dickson MA, Gounder MM, Keohan ML, Mcfadyen C, Sjoberg A, Singer S, DeMatteo RP, Hwang S, Heinemann MH, Francis JH, Antonescu CR, Chi P, Tap WD
Title A phase Ib study of BGJ398, a pan-FGFR kinase inhibitor in combination with imatinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor.
Abstract Text Background Preclinical studies suggest that imatinib resistance in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) can be mediated by MAP-kinase activation via fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling. In FGF stimulated GIST cell lines, BGJ398, a pan-FGFR kinase inhibitor in combination with imatinib, was cytotoxic and superior to imatinib therapy alone. In FGF-dependent GIST, the combination of BGJ398 and imatinib may provide a mechanism to overcome imatinib resistance. Methods This phase Ib study of BGJ398 and imatinib was performed in patients with imatinib refractory advanced GIST. A standard 3 + 3 dosing schema was utilized to determine the recommended phase II dose (RP2D). Two treatment schedules were evaluated incorporating imatinib 400 mg daily in combination with (A) BGJ398 daily 3 weeks on, 1 week off or (B) BGJ398 daily 1 week on, 3 weeks off. Results 16 patients enrolled. The median age was 54 years (range: 44-77), 81% were male, and the median number of lines of prior therapy was 4 [range: 2-6, 13 patients had ≥3 prior therapies]. 12 patients received treatment on schedule A [BGJ398 dose range: 25 - 75 mg]: 2 patients experienced dose limiting toxicities (DLT) (n = 1, myocardial infarction & grade (G)4 CPK elevation; n = 1, G3 ALT elevation) on schedule A (BGJ398 75 mg), significant hyperphosphatemia, an on-target effect, was not observed, implying the maximum tolerated dose was below the therapeutic dose. Following protocol amendment, 4 patients enrolled on schedule B [BGJ398 dose range: 75 - 100 mg]: no DLTs were observed. The most common treatment related adverse events occurring in >15% of patients included CPK elevation (50%), lipase elevation (44%), hyperphosphatemia (24%), anemia (19%), and peripheral edema (19%). Among the 12 evaluable patients, stable disease (SD) was the best response observed in 7 patients by RECIST v1.1 and 9 patients by CHOI. Stable disease ≥ 32 weeks was observed in 3 patients (25%). Median progression free survival was 12.1 weeks (95% CI 4.7-19.5 weeks). Conclusions Toxicity was encountered with the combination therapy of BGJ398 and imatinib. Due to withdrawal of sponsor support the study closed before the RP2D or dosing schedule of the combination therapy was identified. In heavily pre-treated patients, stable disease ≥ 32 weeks was observed in 3 of 12 evaluable patients. Trial Registration: NCT02257541 .


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Molecular Profile Treatment Approach
Gene Name Source Synonyms Protein Domains Gene Description Gene Role
Therapy Name Drugs Efficacy Evidence Clinical Trials
Infigratinib Infigratinib 178 15
Drug Name Trade Name Synonyms Drug Classes Drug Description
Infigratinib Truseltiq BGJ398|BGJ-398|BGJ 398 FGFR Inhibitor (Pan) 26 Truseltiq (infigratinib) is a pan-FGFR inhibitor, which inhibits tumor angiogenesis and tumor cell proliferation (PMID: 31109923, PMID: 30101387).
Gene Variant Impact Protein Effect Variant Description Associated with drug Resistance
KIT T574_H580dup duplication unknown KIT T574_H580dup indicates the insertion of seven duplicate amino acids, threonine (T)-574 through histidine (H)-580, in the juxtamembrane domain (exon 11) of the Kit protein (PMID: 16226710). T574_H580dup has been identified in sequencing studies (PMID: 30101387), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Kit protein function is unknown (PubMed, Nov 2024).
Molecular Profile Indication/Tumor Type Response Type Therapy Name Approval Status Evidence Type Efficacy Evidence References
KIT exon9 gastrointestinal stromal tumor no benefit Imatinib + Infigratinib Phase I Actionable In a Phase I trial, Truseltiq (infigratinib) and Gleevec (imatinib) combination therapy resulted in stable disease as best response in 58% (7/12) of patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor harboring KIT mutations in exon 9 (n=3), exon 11 (n=10), or other (n=3), however, the trial was discontinued due to toxicity concerns (PMID: 30101387). 30101387
KIT exon11 gastrointestinal stromal tumor no benefit Imatinib + Infigratinib Phase I Actionable In a Phase I trial, Truseltiq (infigratinib) and Gleevec (imatinib) combination therapy resulted in stable disease as best response in 58% (7/12) of patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor harboring KIT mutations in exon 11 (n=10), exon 9 (n=3), or other (n=3), however, the trial was discontinued due to toxicity concerns (PMID: 30101387). 30101387