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Ref Type Journal Article
PMID (23558169)
Authors Rohle D, Popovici-Muller J, Palaskas N, Turcan S, Grommes C, Campos C, Tsoi J, Clark O, Oldrini B, Komisopoulou E, Kunii K, Pedraza A, Schalm S, Silverman L, Miller A, Wang F, Yang H, Chen Y, Kernytsky A, Rosenblum MK, Liu W, Biller SA, Su SM, Brennan CW, Chan TA, Graeber TG, Yen KE, Mellinghoff IK
Title An inhibitor of mutant IDH1 delays growth and promotes differentiation of glioma cells.
Abstract Text The recent discovery of mutations in metabolic enzymes has rekindled interest in harnessing the altered metabolism of cancer cells for cancer therapy. One potential drug target is isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1), which is mutated in multiple human cancers. Here, we examine the role of mutant IDH1 in fully transformed cells with endogenous IDH1 mutations. A selective R132H-IDH1 inhibitor (AGI-5198) identified through a high-throughput screen blocked, in a dose-dependent manner, the ability of the mutant enzyme (mIDH1) to produce R-2-hydroxyglutarate (R-2HG). Under conditions of near-complete R-2HG inhibition, the mIDH1 inhibitor induced demethylation of histone H3K9me3 and expression of genes associated with gliogenic differentiation. Blockade of mIDH1 impaired the growth of IDH1-mutant--but not IDH1-wild-type--glioma cells without appreciable changes in genome-wide DNA methylation. These data suggest that mIDH1 may promote glioma growth through mechanisms beyond its well-characterized epigenetic effects.


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Molecular Profile Treatment Approach
IDH1 R132G IDH1 Inhibitor
Gene Name Source Synonyms Protein Domains Gene Description Gene Role
Therapy Name Drugs Efficacy Evidence Clinical Trials
AGI-5198 AGI-5198 4 0
Drug Name Trade Name Synonyms Drug Classes Drug Description
AGI-5198 AG5198|AGI 5198|IDH-C35 IDH1 Inhibitor 8 AGI-5198 is a selective inhibitor of mutant forms of IDH1, which decreases production of R-2HG, potentially leading to reduced growth of IDH1-mutant tumor cells (PMID: 23558169, PMID: 26368816, PMID: 31151327).
Gene Variant Impact Protein Effect Variant Description Associated with drug Resistance
Molecular Profile Indication/Tumor Type Response Type Therapy Name Approval Status Evidence Type Efficacy Evidence References
IDH1 R132C high grade glioma sensitive AGI-5198 Preclinical Actionable In a preclinical study, AGI-5198 inhibited growth and promoted differentiation in glioma cells expressing IDH1 R132C (PMID: 23558169). 23558169
IDH1 R132H high grade glioma sensitive AGI-5198 Preclinical - Cell line xenograft Actionable In a preclinical study, AGI-5198 inhibited growth of a glioma cell line harboring IDH1 R132H in culture and in xenograft models (PMID: 23558169). 23558169