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Profile Name HRAS act mut
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HRAS act mut (unknown)

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Clinical Trial Phase Therapies Title Recruitment Status Covered Countries Other Countries
NCT04699188 Phase Ib/II JDQ443 JDQ443 + TNO155 JDQ443 + Tislelizumab + TNO155 JDQ443 + Tislelizumab Study of JDQ443 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Harboring the KRAS G12C Mutation (KontRASt-01) Active, not recruiting USA | NLD | ITA | FRA | ESP | DNK | DEU | CAN | BEL | AUS 6
NCT03114319 Phase I TNO155 Dose Finding Study of TNO155 in Adult Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Active, not recruiting USA | NLD | ITA | ESP | CAN 4
NCT05111561 Phase I Binimetinib + ZEN-3694 Testing the Combination of the Anticancer Drugs ZEN003694 and Binimetinib in Patients With Advanced/Metastatic or Unresectable Solid Tumors With RAS Alterations and Triple Negative Breast Cancer Suspended USA 0
NCT02974803 Phase II Dabrafenib + Trametinib Concurrent Dabrafenib + Trametinib With Sterotactic Radiation in BRAF Mutation-Positive Malignant Melanoma and Brain Metastases Terminated CAN 0
NCT02257424 Phase Ib/II Dabrafenib + Hydroxychloroquine + Trametinib Dabrafenib, Trametinib and Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With Advanced BRAF Mutant Melanoma (BAMM) Completed USA 0
NCT03973918 Phase II Binimetinib + Encorafenib Study of Binimetinib With Encorafenib in Adults With Recurrent BRAF V600-Mutated HGG (BRAF) Terminated USA 0
NCT02097225 Phase I Dabrafenib + Onalespib + Trametinib Onalespib, Dabrafenib, and Trametinib in Treating Patients With BRAF-Mutant Melanoma or Solid Tumors That Are Metastatic or Cannot Be Removed by Surgery Terminated USA 0
NCT05554328 Phase II Selumetinib Olaparib + Selumetinib Testing the Use of the Combination of Selumetinib and Olaparib or Selumetinib Alone Targeted Treatment for RAS Pathway Mutant Recurrent or Persistent Ovarian and Endometrial Cancers, A ComboMATCH Treatment Trial Recruiting USA 1
NCT06507306 Phase I KQB198 + Osimertinib KQB198 A Study to Investigate the Safety and Efficacy of KQB198 as Monotherapy and in Combination in Participants With Advanced Solid Malignancies Recruiting USA | ITA | ESP 1
NCT03310541 Phase I Capivasertib Capivasertib + Enzalutamide Capivasertib + Fulvestrant AZD5363 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Harboring AKT Mutations Completed USA 0
NCT06104488 Phase I RO5126766 A Study of Avutometinib for People With Solid Tumor Cancers Recruiting USA 0
NCT05554380 Phase II Ipatasertib + Paclitaxel Study of Chemotherapy Plus Ipatasertib for People With Solid Tumors With AKT Mutations, A ComboMATCH Treatment Trial Recruiting USA 1
NCT05658640 Phase Ib/II Cyclophosphamide + Cytarabine + Dexamethasone + Trametinib HEM iSMART-D: Trametinib + Dexamethasone + Chemotherapy in Children With Relapsed or Refractory Hematological Malignancies (HEM-iSMART D) Recruiting SWE | NOR | NLD | ITA | ISR | IRL | GBR | FRA | FIN | ESP | DNK | DEU | CHE | BEL | AUT 0
NCT04487106 Phase II Azacitidine + Trametinib + Venetoclax Azacitidine, Venetoclax, and Trametinib for the Treatment of Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia or Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome Completed USA 0
NCT04418167 Phase I JSI-1187 Dabrafenib + JSI-1187 JSI-1187-01 Monotherapy and in Combination With Dabrafenib for Advanced Solid Tumors With MAPK Pathway Mutations Suspended USA 0
NCT05340621 Phase Ib/II Binimetinib + OKI-179 NAUTILUS: OKI-179 Plus Binimetinib in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors in the RAS Pathway (Phase 1b) and NRAS-mutated Melanoma (Phase 2) Completed USA 0
NCT04284774 Phase II Tipifarnib Tipifarnib for the Treatment of Advanced Solid Tumors, Lymphoma, or Histiocytic Disorders With HRAS Gene Alterations, a Pediatric MATCH Treatment Trial Active, not recruiting USA 1
NCT03919071 Phase II Dabrafenib + Trametinib Dabrafenib Combined With Trametinib After Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Newly-Diagnosed High-Grade Glioma Active, not recruiting USA 1
NCT06208124 Phase Ib/II IMM-6-415 A Study of IMM-6-415 in RAS/RAF Mutant Solid Tumors Recruiting USA 0
NCT05512208 Phase II Defactinib + RO5126766 A Phase 2 Study of Avutometinib (VS-6766) Plus Defactinib (DURAFAK) Recruiting USA 0