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Ref Type Journal Article
PMID (35123209)
Authors Hua G, Zhang X, Zhang M, Wang Q, Chen X, Yu R, Bao H, Liu J, Wu X, Shao Y, Liang B, Lu K
Title Real-world circulating tumor DNA analysis depicts resistance mechanism and clonal evolution in ALK inhibitor-treated lung adenocarcinoma patients.
Abstract Text Sequential treatment with different generations of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitors have been widely applied to ALK-positive lung cancer; however, resistance mutations inevitably developed. Further characterization of ALK resistance mutations may provide key guidance to subsequent therapies. Here we explored the emergence of secondary ALK mutations during sequential ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment in a real-world study of Chinese lung adenocarcinoma (ADC) patients.A clinical-genomic database was queried for lung ADC patients with at least one ALK inhibitor treatment and at least one plasma sample collected following ALK inhibitor treatment. Targeted genome profiling was performed with a 139-gene panel in baseline tumor tissue and serial plasma samples of patients.A total of 116 patients met inclusion criteria. ALK G1202R was more common in patients with echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4 (EML4)-ALK v3 fusion, whereas ALK L1196M was more common in v1. TP53 mutant patients were significantly associated with harboring multiple ALK resistance mutations (P = 0.03) and v3+/TP53 mutant patients had the highest rate of multiple ALK resistance mutations. The sequential use of ALK TKI led to an increased incidence of concurrent ALK mutations along the lines of therapies. Alectinib had a lower rate (9%) harboring ALK resistance mutation as first-line ALK TKI compared with crizotinib (36%). ALK compound mutations identified included ALK D1203N/L1196M, ALK G1202R/L1196M, and ALK G1202R/F1174C, which may be lorlatinib resistant. Using paired pretreatment and post-treatment samples, we identified several ALK-independent resistance-related genetic alterations, including PTPRD and CNKN2A/B loss, MYC, MYCN and KRAS amplification, and EGFR19del.Sequential postprogression plasma profiling revealed that increased lines of ALK inhibitors can accelerate the accumulation of ALK resistance mutations and may lead to treatment-refractory compound ALK mutations. The selection for optimal first-line TKI is very important to achieve a more efficacious long-term strategy and prevent the emergence of on-target resistance, which may provide guidance for clinical decision making.


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Molecular Profile Treatment Approach
Gene Name Source Synonyms Protein Domains Gene Description Gene Role
Therapy Name Drugs Efficacy Evidence Clinical Trials
Drug Name Trade Name Synonyms Drug Classes Drug Description
Gene Variant Impact Protein Effect Variant Description Associated with drug Resistance
ALK D1203N missense unknown ALK D1203N lies within the protein kinase domain of the Alk protein ( D1203N has been demonstrated to occur as a secondary drug resistance mutation in the context of ALK fusions (PMID: 35123209, PMID: 27432227, PMID: 28434515), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Alk protein function is unknown (PubMed, Aug 2024). Y
ALK E1210K missense unknown ALK E1210K lies within the protein kinase domain of the Alk protein ( E1210K has been demonstrated to occur as a secondary drug resistance mutation in the context of ALK fusions (PMID: 29650534, PMID: 35123209, PMID: 27432227), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Alk protein function is unknown (PubMed, Aug 2024). Y
ALK G1269A missense unknown ALK G1269A lies within the protein kinase domain of the Alk protein ( G1269A has been demonstrated to occur as a secondary resistance mutation in the context of ALK rearrangement (PMID: 30675302, PMID: 35123209, PMID: 29872693), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Alk protein function is unknown (PubMed, Aug 2024). Y
ALK L1152R missense unknown ALK L1152R lies within the protein kinase domain of the Alk protein ( L1152R has been demonstrated to occur as a secondary drug resistance mutation in the context of ALK fusions (PMID: 35123209, PMID: 36064579, PMID: 27091190), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Alk protein function is unknown (PubMed, Aug 2024). Y
ALK L1198V missense unknown ALK L1198V lies within the protein kinase domain of the Alk protein ( L1198V has been demonstrated to confer resistance to ALK inhibitors in the context of Alk fusions (PMID: 29636358, PMID: 35123209), but has not been biochemically characterized and therefore, its effect on Alk protein function is unknown (PubMed, Aug 2024). Y
Molecular Profile Indication/Tumor Type Response Type Therapy Name Approval Status Evidence Type Efficacy Evidence References
EML4 - ALK ALK F1174L ALK E1210K lung adenocarcinoma predicted - resistant Brigatinib Case Reports/Case Series Actionable In a clinical case study, ALK E1210K was identified at the time of progression on Alunbrig (brigatinib) treatment in a patient with lung adenocarcinoma who initially harbored EML4-ALK (e13:e20) and ALK G1269A, and also acquired ALK F1174L and lost ALK G1269A during Alunbrig (brigatinib) treatment (PMID: 35123209). 35123209
EML4 - ALK ALK F1174L ALK E1210K ALK G1269A lung adenocarcinoma predicted - sensitive Lorlatinib Case Reports/Case Series Actionable In a clinical case study, Lorbrena (lorlatinib) treatment resulted in a partial response in a patient with lung adenocarcinoma harboring EML4-ALK (e13:e20), ALK G1269A, ALK F1174L, and ALK E1210K (PMID: 35123209). 35123209
EML4 - ALK ALK I1171T ALK F1174L ALK L1196M ALK D1203N ALK E1210K ALK G1269A lung adenocarcinoma predicted - resistant Lorlatinib Case Reports/Case Series Actionable In a clinical case study, ALK L1196M, D1203N, and I1171T were identified at the time of progression on Lorbrena (lorlatinib) treatment in a patient with lung adenocarcinoma harboring EML4-ALK (e13:e20), ALK G1269A, ALK F1174L, and ALK E1210K (PMID: 35123209). 35123209