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ID DOID:3068
Name glioblastoma
Definition A malignant astrocytoma characterized by the presence of small areas of necrotizing tissue that is surrounded by anaplastic cells as well as the presence of hyperplastic blood vessels, and that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from multiple cell types including astrocytes and oligondroctyes.
Source DiseaseOntology.org
Alt Ids DOID:3075 DOID:3080
Path disease disease of cellular proliferation cancer cell type cancer high grade glioma malignant astrocytoma glioblastoma


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Molecular Profile Therapy Indication/Tumor Type Response Type Profile Response Detail
PTEN wild-type 2-Methoxyestradiol glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss CCT128930 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
TP53 mutant Adavosertib + Radiotherapy glioblastoma sensitive detail...
MSH6 T1219I Temozolomide glioblastoma resistant detail...
PTEN loss PF-04691502 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
FGFR3 over exp U0126 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
IDH1 R132H Temozolomide + Vandetanib glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN negative Temozolomide + Vandetanib glioblastoma no benefit detail...
IDH1 mutant Bevacizumab + Lomustine glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
PIK3CA H1047Y YM-024 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PIK3CA over exp YM-024 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PIK3CA V344G YM-024 glioblastoma no benefit detail...
PTEN loss PKI-402 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
IDH1 mutant N/A glioblastoma not applicable detail...
PTEN V54fs XL147 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
TP53 mutant Adavosertib glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss A66 glioblastoma resistant detail...
PTEN loss BLZ945 glioblastoma no benefit detail...
TP53 loss BLZ945 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss LY3023414 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
MDM2 amp TP53 wild-type RG7112 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
RB1 positive Palbociclib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
RB1 inact mut Palbociclib glioblastoma resistant detail...
CD274 positive Pembrolizumab glioblastoma conflicting detail...
CDKN2A pos RB1 inact mut Palbociclib glioblastoma resistant detail...
CDKN2A del Palbociclib glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN mut TP53 mut Navitoclax + ONC201 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
BRAF V600E Mirdametinib glioblastoma conflicting detail...
BRAF V600E PLX4720 glioblastoma decreased response detail...
BRAF V600E BI2536 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
BRAF V600E BI2536 + PLX4720 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss GDC-0084 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN inact mut Voxtalisib glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN inact mut SF1126 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
IDH2 R140Q Enasidenib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
IDH2 R172K Enasidenib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
BRAF V600E Ulixertinib glioblastoma sensitive detail...
BRAF V600E Dabrafenib + Trametinib glioblastoma sensitive detail...
ATM positive AZD1390 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
TP53 mutant AZD1390 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
IDH1 wild-type PTEN mut Pembrolizumab glioblastoma resistant detail...
IDH1 wild-type PTEN mut Nivolumab glioblastoma resistant detail...
BRAF mut IDH1 wild-type Pembrolizumab glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
BRAF mut IDH1 wild-type Nivolumab glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
CD274 positive Nivolumab glioblastoma no benefit detail...
BRAF V600E Vemurafenib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
BRAF V600E Cobimetinib + Vemurafenib glioblastoma sensitive detail...
MDM2 amp TP53 wild-type KRT-232 glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
CDKN2A del RB1 pos Ribociclib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
IDH1 R132H Trichostatin A glioblastoma resistant detail...
IDH1 R132H Vorinostat glioblastoma resistant detail...
IDH1 R132H Valproic acid glioblastoma resistant detail...
IDH1 R132H AGI-5198 + Trichostatin A glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
IDH1 R132H AGI-5198 + Vorinostat glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
PTEN del Buparlisib + Capmatinib glioblastoma no benefit detail...
PTEN mutant Buparlisib + Capmatinib glioblastoma no benefit detail...
PTEN negative Buparlisib + Capmatinib glioblastoma no benefit detail...
CD274 neg MSH6 W628* Nivolumab glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
IDH1 R132H DS-1001b glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss GDC-0152 glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
PTEN loss Birinapant glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
PTEN loss UMI-77 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss A-1210477 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss S63845 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss AZD5991 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss Temozolomide + UMI-77 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
PTEN loss AZD5991 + Temozolomide glioblastoma sensitive detail...
BRAF V600E PLX8394 glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
BRAF V600E Dabrafenib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
PTEN loss Atezolizumab + Ipatasertib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
PTEN inact mut Atezolizumab + Ipatasertib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
FGFR1 V592M FGFR1 K687E Zoligratinib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
RET amp Selpercatinib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
FGFR1 positive CYY292 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
MDM2 amp TP53 wild-type BI 907828 glioblastoma sensitive detail...
CDKN2A del Abemaciclib + Temozolomide glioblastoma no benefit detail...
BRAF V600_W604delinsDG Dabrafenib + Trametinib glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
BRAF V600E Mirdametinib + Radiotherapy glioblastoma sensitive detail...
BRAF V600E CD274 pos Binimetinib + Encorafenib + Nivolumab + Temozolomide glioblastoma predicted - sensitive detail...
Clinical Trial Phase Therapies Title Recruitment Status Covered Countries Other Countries
NCT00054496 Phase II Erlotinib Erlotinib in Treating Patients With Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma Multiforme Unknown status USA 0
NCT00301418 Phase Ib/II Erlotinib Oral Tarceva Study for Recurrent/Residual Glioblastoma Multiforme and Anaplastic Astrocytoma Completed USA 0
NCT00492687 Phase II Carboplatin Temozolomide Tamoxifen Radiation Therapy, Temozolomide, Tamoxifen, and Carboplatin in Treating Patients With Malignant Gliomas Unknown status USA 0
NCT00669669 Phase Ib/II O6-benzylguanine Carmustine + Filgrastim + Plerixafor + Temozolomide Dose-Intensive Chemotherapy in Combination With Chemoprotected Autologous Stem Cells in Treating Patients With Malignant Gliomas Terminated USA 0
NCT00906516 Phase II 81C6 + Bevacizumab Neuradiab Combined With Bevacizumab (Avastin) Therapy in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Unknown status USA 0
NCT00968240 Phase I Bevacizumab Super-Selective Intraarterial Intracranial Infusion of Avastin (Bevacizumab) Completed USA 0
NCT00998010 Phase II Bortezomib + Temozolomide Bortezomib, Temozolomide, and Regional Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme or Gliosarcoma Completed USA 0
NCT01052363 Phase I Bevacizumab + Fosbretabulin OXC401-PO1s/WVU 1309 - A Pilot Study of Fosbretabulin With Bevacizumab in Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas Withdrawn USA 0
NCT01067469 Phase II Bevacizumab Bevacizumab + Lomustine Standard Dose Bevacizumab Versus Low Dose Bevacizumab Plus Lomustine (CCNU) for Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Completed USA 0
NCT01107522 Phase I Carboxyamidotriazole Orotate + Temozolomide Carboxyamidotriazole Orotate Safety and Tolerability of Carboxyamidotriazole Orotate (CTO) in Solid Tumors or With Temodar® in Glioblastoma or Other Recurrent Malignant Gliomas or in Combination With Temodar® and Radiation Therapy for Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma and Malignant Gliomas Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT01112527 Phase II Dacomitinib PF-00299804 in Adult Patients With Relapsed/Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT01130077 Phase I Poly ICLC A Pilot Study of Glioma Associated Antigen Vaccines in Conjunction With Poly-ICLC in Pediatric Gliomas Completed USA 0
NCT01140568 Phase II Nilotinib Study of Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor (PDGFR) in Recurrent Malignant Gliomas Completed USA 0
NCT01149850 Phase II Bevacizumab + Temozolomide Bevacizumab and Temozolomide in Treating Older Patients With Newly-Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme or Gliosarcoma Completed USA 0
NCT01177397 Phase Ib/II Onatasertib Study to Assess Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of Oral CC-223 for Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma or Multiple Myeloma Completed USA | GBR | FRA | ESP 0
NCT01238237 Phase I Cetuximab Super-Selective Intraarterial Cerebral Infusion of Cetuximab for the Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme and Anaplastic Astrocytoma Completed USA 0
NCT01260506 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab + VB-111 Single-Arm Open-Label Multicenter Study of VB-111 in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed USA | ISR 0
NCT01266031 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab + Vorinostat Bevacizumab Bevacizumab Versus Bevacizumab Plus Vorinostat in Adults With Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT01269424 Phase I O6-benzylguanine + Temozolomide O6-Benzylguanine and Temozolomide With MGMTP140K Genetically Modified Blood Stem Cells in Untreated Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT01269853 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab Repeated Super-selective Intraarterial Cerebral Infusion of Bevacizumab (Avastin) for Treatment of Relapsed GBM and AA Recruiting USA 0
NCT01290263 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab + Trebananib Trebananib Amgen 386 for Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT01331291 Phase II Bosutinib Bosutinib in Adult Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT01331616 Phase I Bevacizumab Optic Neuropathy in 10 Patients With Glioblastoma Receiving Bevacizumab Withdrawn 0
NCT01339039 Phase I Bevacizumab + Plerixafor Plerixafor (AMD3100) and Bevacizumab for Recurrent High-Grade Glioma Terminated USA 0
NCT01349660 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab + Buparlisib Combination of BKM120 and Bevacizumab in Refractory Solid Tumors and Relapsed/Refractory Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed USA 0
NCT01386710 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab + Carboplatin Repeated Super-selective Intraarterial Cerebral Infusion Of Bevacizumab Plus Carboplatin For Treatment Of Relapsed/Refractory GBM And Anaplastic Astrocytoma Suspended USA 0
NCT01421524 Phase I CC-122 Study of CC-122 to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Effectiveness for Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, or Multiple Myeloma Completed USA | ITA | FRA | ESP | BEL 0
NCT01430351 Phase I Metformin + Temozolomide Mefloquine + Temozolomide Memantine + Metformin + Temozolomide Mefloquine + Memantine + Temozolomide Mefloquine + Memantine + Metformin + Temozolomide Temozolomide Mefloquine + Metformin + Temozolomide Memantine + Temozolomide Temozolomide, Memantine Hydrochloride, Mefloquine, and Metformin Hydrochloride in Treating Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme After Radiation Therapy Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT01434602 Phase Ib/II Everolimus + Sorafenib Phase I-II Everolimus and Sorafenib in Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas Completed USA 0
NCT01435395 Phase I Bevacizumab + Bortezomib + Temozolomide Trial of Temozolomide, Bevacizumab Plus Bortezomib for Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed USA 0
NCT01473901 Phase I Buparlisib + Temozolomide A Phase I Dose Escalation Study of BKM120 With Radiation Therapy and Temozolomide in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Completed USA | ESP | CAN | AUS 0
NCT01478178 Phase Ib/II VAL-083 Safety Study of VAL-083 in Patients With Recurrent Malignant Glioma or Progressive Secondary Brain Tumor Completed USA 0
NCT01478321 Phase II Bevacizumab + Temozolomide Efficacy of Hypofractionated XRT w/Bev. + Temozolomide for Recurrent Gliomas Terminated USA 0
NCT01508117 Phase II Axitinib Phase II Axitinib (AG-013736) in Elderly Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Patients Terminated USA 0
NCT01526837 Phase I Bevacizumab Bevacizumab (Avastin) Into the Tumor Resection Cavity in Subjects With Glioblastoma Multiforme at First Recurrence Terminated USA 0
NCT01576666 Phase Ib/II Buparlisib + Sonidegib Phase Ib, Dose Escalation Study of Oral LDE225 in Combination With BKM120 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Completed USA | ITA | GBR | ESP | DEU | CAN | BEL | AUS 0
NCT01591577 Phase II Lapatinib + Temozolomide Lapatinib With Temozolomide and Regional Radiation Therapy for Patients With Newly-Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed USA 0
NCT01607905 Phase I Selinexor Safety Study of the Selective Inhibitor of Nuclear Export (SINE) KPT-330 in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumor Cancer Completed USA | DNK | CAN 0
NCT01621542 Phase I WT2725 Clinical Study of WT2725 in Patients With Advanced Malignancies Completed USA 0
NCT01672463 Phase I OKN-007 Clinical Trial of IV OKN-007 in a Pilot Cohort of Human Recurrent Malignant Glioma Patients Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT01721577 Phase Ib/II AXL1717 Phase I/II Trial of Safety and Anti-tumor Efficacy of AXL1717(Picropodophyllin) in the Treatment of Recurrent Malignant Astrocytomas Terminated USA 0
NCT01730950 Phase II Bevacizumab Bevacizumab With or Without Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT01753713 Phase II Dovitinib Dovitinib in Treating Patients With Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT01756352 Phase II Bevacizumab FET-PET for Evaluation of Response of Recurrent GBM to Avastin Completed USA 0
NCT01788280 Phase I Bevacizumab Preliminary Assessment of [18F] Fluciclatide (GE [18F]AH111585) in Glioblastoma Multiforme Treated With Bevacizumab Withdrawn USA 0
NCT01790503 Phase Ib/II Pexidartinib Temozolomide A Phase 1b/2 Study of PLX3397 + Radiation Therapy + Temozolomide in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT01800695 Phase I Temozolomide Depatuxizumab mafodotin Evaluating the Safety and Pharmacokinetics of ABT-414 for Subjects With Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed 0
NCT01811498 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab Repeated Super-Selective Intraarterial Cerebral Infusion of Bevacizumab (Avastin) for Treatment of Newly Diagnosed GBM Completed USA 0
NCT01814813 Phase II Bevacizumab Vaccine Therapy With Bevacizumab Versus Bevacizumab Alone in Treating Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme That Can Be Removed by Surgery Terminated USA 0
NCT01837862 Phase Ib/II Carboplatin + Mebendazole + Temozolomide + Vincristine Sulfate Bevacizumab + Irinotecan + Mebendazole A Phase I/II Study of Mebendazole for the Treatment of Pediatric Gliomas Completed USA 0
NCT01849146 Phase I Adavosertib + Temozolomide WEE1 Inhibitor MK-1775, Radiation Therapy, and Temozolomide in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed or Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed USA 0
NCT01860638 Phase III Bevacizumab Lomustine A Comparison of Continuous Avastin (Bevacizumab) Treatment or Placebo in Addition to Lomustine Followed by Standard of Care After Disease Progression in Patients With Glioblastoma Completed TUR | SWE | ROU | LVA | ITA | HRV | GRC | GBR | FRA | EST | ESP | CAN | BGR | AUT 1
NCT01870726 Phase Ib/II Buparlisib + Capmatinib Safety and Efficacy of INC280 and Buparlisib (BKM120) in Patients With Recurrent Gliobastoma Terminated USA | NLD | ESP | DEU | CHE 0
NCT01884740 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab + Cetuximab Phase I/II Trial Of Super-Selective Intraarterial Infusion Of Erbitux and Bevacizumab For Treatment Of Relapsed/Refractory Intracranial Glioma In Patients Under 22 Years Of Age Terminated USA 0
NCT01891747 Phase I Bevacizumab + Temozolomide A Phase I Study of High-dose L-methylfolate in Combination With Temozolomide and Bevacizumab in Recurrent High Grade Glioma Completed USA 0
NCT01894061 Phase II Bevacizumab NovoTTF-100A With Bevacizumab (Avastin) in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT01903330 Phase II Bevacizumab Cyclophosphamide Sargramostim ERC1671/GM-CSF/Cyclophosphamide for the Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme Unknown status USA 0
NCT01904123 Phase I WP1066 A Phase I Trial of WP1066 Completed USA 0
NCT01925573 Phase I Bevacizumab NOVOTTF-100A+ Bevacizumab+ Hypofractionated Stereotactic Irradiation Bevacizumab-Naive Recurrent Glioblastoma (GCC 1344) Terminated USA 0
NCT01931098 Phase II Pazopanib + Topotecan Phase II Pazopanib Plus Topotecan for Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Completed USA 0
NCT01933815 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab TPI 287 Dose-Escalation Study of TPI 287 + Avastin Followed by Randomized Study of the Same Versus Avastin for Glioblastoma Suspended USA 0
NCT01934361 Phase Ib/II Buparlisib + Lomustine Buparlisib + Carboplatin Phase Ib/II Study of Buparlisib Plus Carboplatin or Lomustine in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed USA | FRA | ESP | CAN | BEL | AUS 0
NCT01954576 Phase II NovoTTF Therapy in Treating Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Terminated USA 0
NCT01975701 Phase II Infigratinib A Phase 2 Study of BGJ398 in Patients With Recurrent GBM Completed USA | NLD | ESP | CHE | BEL | AUS 0
NCT01977677 Phase Ib/II Temozolomide Plerixafor Plerixafor After Radiation Therapy and Temozolomide in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed High Grade Glioma Completed USA 0
NCT01986348 Phase II Selinexor Phase 2 Study of Selinexor (KPT-330) in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma After Failure of Radiation and Temozolomide Terminated USA | NLD | DNK 0
NCT01989052 Phase Ib/II Lomustine Carboxyamidotriazole Orotate Ph 1/2 CTO With Lomustine for Bevacizumab-Naive Recurrent Glioma Terminated USA 0
NCT01999270 Phase I Bevacizumab + Irinotecan Evaluation of FDOPA-PET/MRI in Pediatric Patients With CNS Tumors Completed USA 0
NCT02010606 Phase I Bevacizumab Temozolomide Phase I Study of a Dendritic Cell Vaccine for Patients With Either Newly Diagnosed or Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02017717 Phase III Nivolumab Bevacizumab Ipilimumab + Nivolumab A Randomized Study of Nivolumab Versus Bevacizumab and a Safety Study of Nivolumab in Adult Subjects With Recurrent Glioblastoma (GBM) (CheckMate 143) Completed USA | POL | NLD | ITA | GBR | FRA | ESP | DNK | DEU | CHE | BEL | AUS 0
NCT02026271 Phase I Ad-RTS-IL-12 plus AL A Study of Ad-RTS-hIL-12 With Veledimex in Subjects With Glioblastoma or Malignant Glioma Completed USA 0
NCT02038699 Phase Ib/II ONC201 A First-in-man Phase I/II Study of Oral ONC201 in Patients With Advanced Cancer Withdrawn USA 0
NCT02047214 Phase II Bevacizumab + Paclitaxel Safety and Efficacy Study of TPI 287 + Avastin in Adults With Glioblastoma That Progressed Following Prior Avastin Therapy Terminated USA 0
NCT02052778 Phase Ib/II Futibatinib A Study of TAS-120 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Completed USA | NLD | ITA | GBR | FRA | ESP | DEU | CAN | AUS 4
NCT02062827 Phase I M032 Genetically Engineered HSV-1 Phase 1 Study for the Treatment of Recurrent Malignant Glioma (M032-HSV-1) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT02067156 Phase II Mipsagargin Efficacy, Safety and CNS Exposure of G-202 (Mipsagargin) in Patients With Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02101905 Phase I Lapatinib Lapatinib Ditosylate Before Surgery in Treating Patients With Recurrent High-Grade Glioma Completed USA 0
NCT02120287 Phase II Bevacizumab Border Zone Stereotactic Radiosurgery With Bevacizumab in Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed USA 0
NCT02133183 Phase I Sapanisertib TORC1/2 Inhibitor INK128 Before and After Surgery in Treating Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT02137759 Phase II Vorinostat Temozolomide MRSI to Predict Response to RT/TMZ and Vorinostat in GBM Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT02146066 Expanded access DCVax-L Expanded Access Protocol for GBM Patients With Already Manufactured DCVax®-L Who Have Screen-Failed Protocol 020221 Available USA 0
NCT02152982 Phase II Veliparib Temozolomide Temozolomide With or Without Veliparib in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme Active, not recruiting USA 1
NCT02157103 Phase II Bevacizumab A Study of Subcutaneous Bevacizumab in Relapsed / Progressive Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02179086 Phase II Temozolomide Dose-Escalated Photon IMRT or Proton Beam Radiation Therapy Versus Standard-Dose Radiation Therapy and Temozolomide in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA | CAN 0
NCT02197169 Phase I DNX-2401 DNX-2401 + Interferon gamma DNX-2401 With Interferon Gamma (IFN-gamma) for Recurrent Glioblastoma or Gliosarcoma Brain Tumors (TARGET-I) Completed USA 0
NCT02238496 Phase II Perifosine + Temsirolimus Perifosine and Torisel (Temsirolimus) for Recurrent/Progressive Malignant Gliomas Completed USA 0
NCT02285959 Phase I Bevacizumab Super-Selective Intraarterial Intracranial Infusion of Bevacizumab (Avastin) for Glioblastoma Multiforme Recruiting USA 0
NCT02287428 Phase I NeoVax Pembrolizumab Temozolomide NeoVax + Pembrolizumab + Temozolomide NeoVax + Pembrolizumab Personalized NeoAntigen Cancer Vaccine w RT Plus Pembrolizumab for Patients With MGMT Unmethylated, Newly Diagnosed GBM Recruiting USA 0
NCT02311582 Phase Ib/II Pembrolizumab MK-3475 in Combination With MRI-guided Laser Ablation in Recurrent Malignant Gliomas Completed USA 0
NCT02311920 Phase I Temozolomide Nivolumab Ipilimumab Temozolomide in Combination With Ipilimumab and/or Nivolumab in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma or Gliosarcoma Completed USA 0
NCT02315534 Phase Ib/II Napabucasin Temozolomide A Study of BBI608 in Combination With Temozolomide in Adult Patients With Recurrent or Progressed Glioblastoma Completed USA | CAN 0
NCT02327078 Phase Ib/II Epacadostat + Nivolumab A Study of the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of INCB24360 Administered in Combination With Nivolumab in Select Advanced Cancers Completed USA | GBR 0
NCT02331498 Phase Ib/II Pazopanib Phase I/II Study of Pazopanib+ Temozolomide in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme (PAZOGLIO) Recruiting FRA 0
NCT02336165 Phase II Durvalumab Bevacizumab + Durvalumab Phase 2 Study of MEDI4736 in Patients With Glioblastoma Completed USA | AUS 0
NCT02337491 Phase II Pembrolizumab Bevacizumab + Pembrolizumab Pembrolizumab +/- Bevacizumab for Recurrent GBM Completed USA 0
NCT02340156 Phase II SGT-53 Temozolomide Phase II Study of Combined Temozolomide and SGT-53 for Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma Terminated USA 1
NCT02342379 Phase II Bevacizumab + Evofosfamide TH-302 in Combination With Bevacizumab for Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02343406 Phase II Lomustine Depatuxizumab mafodotin Temozolomide ABT-414 Alone or ABT-414 Plus Temozolomide vs. Lomustine or Temozolomide for Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA | POL | NLD | ITA | IRL | HUN | GBR | FRA | FIN | ESP | DEU | CZE | CHE | CAN | BEL | AUT | AUS 4
NCT02343549 Phase II Bevacizumab + Temozolomide LCI-NEU-NOV-001 Study of a Device Worn on the Head in Combination With Chemo to Treat Brain Cancer Terminated USA 0
NCT02345824 Phase I Ribociclib Early-Phase Study to Assess Inhibitor LEE011 in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma or Anaplastic Glioma Unknown status USA 0
NCT02348255 Phase II Bevacizumab + Carmustine NovoTTF-100A in Combination With Bevacizumab and Carmustine in Treating Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme in First Relapse Withdrawn USA 0
NCT02365662 Phase I ABBV-221 A Study Evaluating Safety and Pharmacokinetics of ABBV-221 in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumor Types Likely to Exhibit Elevated Levels of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Terminated USA | ESP 0
NCT02386826 Phase I Bevacizumab + Capmatinib INC280 Combined With Bevacizumab in Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed USA 0
NCT02414165 Phase II Bevacizumab Lomustine Toca FC + Vocimagene amiretrorepvec Temozolomide P2/3 Randomized Study of Toca 511 & Toca FC Versus SOC in Subjects Undergoing Surgery for Recurrent GBM/AA (Toca5) Terminated USA | ISR | CAN 1
NCT02423525 Phase I Afatinib Safety Study of Afatinib for Brain Cancer Completed USA 0
NCT02465268 Phase II pp65 Dendritic Cell Vaccine + Sargramostim Vaccine Therapy for the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme (ATTAC-II) Completed USA 0
NCT02478164 Phase II Ponatinib Trial of Ponatinib in Patients With Bevacizumab-Refractory Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02490800 Phase Ib/II BAL101553 Phase 1/2a Study of Oral BAL101553 in Adult Patients With Solid Tumors or Glioblastoma or High-grade Glioma Completed GBR | DEU | CHE | BEL 0
NCT02498665 Phase I DSP-7888 A Study of DSP-7888 Dosing Emulsion in Adult Patients With Advanced Malignancies Completed USA 0
NCT02510950 Phase I Sargramostim Poly ICLC Temozolomide Neoepitope-based Personalized Vaccine Approach in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT02511405 Phase III Bevacizumab VB-111 A Phase 3, Pivotal Trial of VB-111 Plus Bevacizumab vs. Bevacizumab in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma (GLOBE) Completed USA | ISR | CAN 0
NCT02521090 Phase Ib/II EGFRBi-armed autologous activated T cells EGFRBi-Armed Autologous T Cells in Treating Patients With Recurrent or Refractory Glioblastoma Withdrawn 0
NCT02525692 Phase II ONC201 Oral ONC201 in Recurrent GBM, H3 K27M Glioma, and Midline Glioma Terminated USA 0
NCT02526017 Phase I Cabiralizumab Nivolumab Study of FPA008 in Combination With Nivolumab in Patients With Selected Advance Cancers Completed USA 0
NCT02530502 Phase Ib/II Temozolomide Pembrolizumab Radiation Therapy With Temozolomide and Pembrolizumab in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT02573324 Phase II Temozolomide Depatuxizumab mafodotin + Temozolomide A Study of ABT-414 in Participants With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GBM) With Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Amplification (Intellance1) Completed USA | NZL | NLD | ITA | ISR | IRL | GBR | FRA | ESP | DEU | CZE | CHE | CAN | BRA | BEL | AUT | AUS | ARG 10
NCT02586857 Phase Ib/II Acalabrutinib A Phase 1b/2, Multicenter, Open-label Study of ACP-196 in Subjects With Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT02605746 Phase I Ceritinib Preoperative Ceritinib (LDK378) in Glioblastoma Multiforme and CNS Metastasis Completed USA 0
NCT02607124 Phase Ib/II Ribociclib Administration of Ribociclib Following Radiation Therapy in Children With Newly Diagnosed Non-biopsied Diffuse Pontine Gliomas (DIPG) and RB+ Biopsied DIPG and High Grade Gliomas (HGG) Terminated USA 0
NCT02611024 Phase Ib/II Irinotecan + Lurbinectedin Pharmacokinetic Study of PM01183 in Combination With Irinotecan in Patients With Selected Solid Tumors Recruiting USA | ITA | FRA | ESP | DEU | CHE 0
NCT02617589 Phase III Nivolumab Temozolomide Study of Nivolumab Versus Temozolomide, Given With Radiation Therapy, for Newly-diagnosed Patients With Glioblastoma (GBM, a Malignant Brain Cancer) (CheckMate 498) Completed USA | SWE | POL | NOR | NLD | ITA | ISR | GBR | FRA | ESP | DNK | DEU | CHE | CAN | BEL | AUT | AUS 2
NCT02619864 Phase Ib/II Vistusertib mTORC1/mTORC2 Kinase Inhibitor AZD2014 in Previously Treated Glioblastoma Multiforme Completed CAN 0
NCT02626364 Phase II Crenolanib Study of Crenolanib in Recurrent/Refractory Glioblastoma With PDGFRA Gene Amplification Completed USA 0
NCT02648633 Phase I Nivolumab + Valproic acid Stereotactic Radiosurgery With Nivolumab and Valproate in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT02658981 Phase I Relatlimab Urelumab Nivolumab + Urelumab Nivolumab + Relatlimab Anti-LAG-3 Alone & in Combination w/ Nivolumab Treating Patients w/ Recurrent GBM (Anti-CD137 Arm Closed 10/16/18) Completed USA 0
NCT02661282 Phase Ib/II Autologous CMV-specific CTLs + Temozolomide Autologous CMV-Specific Cytotoxic T Cells and Temozolomide in Treating Patients With Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02663271 Phase II Bevacizumab TTFields and Pulsed Bevacizumab for Recurrent Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT02667587 Phase II Temozolomide Nivolumab + Temozolomide Study of Temozolomide Plus Radiation Therapy With Nivolumab or Placebo, for Newly Diagnosed Patients With Glioblastoma (GBM, a Malignant Brain Cancer). Completed USA | SWE | POL | NOR | NLD | ITA | ISR | GBR | FRA | ESP | DNK | DEU | CHE | CAN | BEL | AUT | AUS 2
NCT02717962 Phase II VAL-083 Study of VAL-083 in Patients With MGMT Unmethylated, Bevacizumab-naive Recurrent Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT02743078 Phase II Bevacizumab Optune Plus Bevacizumab in Bevacizumab-Refractory Recurrent Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT02754362 Phase II Poly ICLC Bevacizumab A Toll-like Receptor Agonist as an Adjuvant to Tumor Associated Antigens (TAA) Mixed With Montanide ISA-51 VG With Bevacizumab for Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Withdrawn USA 0
NCT02765165 Phase Ib/II Lomustine + USL311 USL311 Phase 1/2 Study of USL311 Alone and in Combination With Lomustine in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors and Relapsed/Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Terminated USA | ESP 0
NCT02766699 Phase I EGFR(V)-EDV-Dox A Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of EGFR(V)-EDV-Dox in Subjects With Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) (CerebralEDV) Unknown status USA 0
NCT02768389 Phase I Bevacizumab Feasibility Trial of the Modified Atkins Diet and Bevacizumab for Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02780024 Phase II Metformin Metformin, Neo-adjuvant Temozolomide and Hypo- Accelerated Radiotherapy Followed by Adjuvant TMZ in Patients With GBM Active, not recruiting CAN 0
NCT02783300 Phase I GSK3326595 Dose Escalation Study of GSK3326595 in Participants With Solid Tumors and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) Completed USA | NLD | FRA | CAN 0
NCT02798406 Phase II DNX-2401 + Pembrolizumab Combination Adenovirus + Pembrolizumab to Trigger Immune Virus Effects (CAPTIVE) Completed USA | CAN 0
NCT02800486 Phase II Cetuximab Super Selective Intra-arterial Repeated Infusion of Cetuximab (Erbitux) With Reirradiation for Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory GBM, AA, and AOA Recruiting USA 0
NCT02829723 Phase Ib/II BLZ945 BLZ945 + Spartalizumab Phase I/II Study of BLZ945 Single Agent or BLZ945 in Combination With PDR001 in Advanced Solid Tumors Terminated USA | ITA | ISR | ESP | CHE 3
NCT02844439 Phase II Tesevatinib Study of Tesevatinib Monotherapy in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02852655 Phase 0 Pembrolizumab A Pilot Surgical Trial To Evaluate Early Immunologic Pharmacodynamic Parameters For The PD-1 Checkpoint Inhibitor, Pembrolizumab (MK-3475), In Patients With Surgically Accessible Recurrent/Progressive Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT02858895 Phase II MDNA55 Convection-Enhanced Delivery (CED) of MDNA55 in Adults With Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02861898 Phase Ib/II Cetuximab + Mannitol Super-selective Intra-arterial Repeated Infusion of Cetuximab for the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT02866747 Phase Ib/II Durvalumab A Study Evaluating the Association of Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy and Durvalumab for Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma (STERIMGLI) Completed FRA 0
NCT02871843 Phase I RRx-001 + Temozolomide Phase 1 Two Part Dose Escalation Trial of RRx-001 + Radiation + Temozolomide and RRx-001 + Temozolomide Post-RT In Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma and Anaplastic Gliomas (G-FORCE-1) Completed USA 0
NCT02876003 Phase II Mipsagargin Efficacy and Safety of G-202 in PSMA-Positive Glioblastoma Withdrawn USA 0
NCT02885324 Phase II Cabozantinib Pilot Study of Cabozantinib for Recurrent or Progressive High-Grade Glioma in Children Terminated USA 0
NCT02928575 Phase II Sunitinib + Temozolomide Combining Sunitinib, Temozolomide and Radiation to Treat Patients Diagnosed With Glioblastoma Unknown status CAN 0
NCT02942264 Phase Ib/II Zotiraciclib Temozolomide + Zotiraciclib TG02 Plus Dose-Dense or Metronomic Temozolomide Followed by Randomized Phase II Trial of TG02 Plus Temozolomide Versus Temozolomide Alone in Adults With Recurrent Anaplastic Astrocytoma and Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02968940 Phase II Avelumab Avelumab With Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy in Adults With Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH) Mutant Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT02974621 Phase II Bevacizumab Cediranib + Olaparib Cediranib Maleate and Olaparib Compared to Bevacizumab in Treating Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT02977780 Phase II CC-115 Abemaciclib + Temozolomide Temozolomide Neratinib + Temozolomide INdividualized Screening Trial of Innovative Glioblastoma Therapy (INSIGhT) Recruiting USA 0
NCT02981940 Phase II Abemaciclib A Study of Abemaciclib in Recurrent Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03014804 Phase II DCVax-L DCVax-L + Nivolumab Dendritic Cell-Autologous Lung Tumor Vaccine and Nivolumab in Treating Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Withdrawn USA 0
NCT03018288 Phase II Pembrolizumab + Temozolomide Pembrolizumab + Temozolomide + Vitespen Radiation Therapy Plus Temozolomide and Pembrolizumab With and Without HSPPC-96 in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GBM) Terminated USA 0
NCT03027388 Phase I LB-100 Protein Phosphatase 2A Inhibitor, in Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03047473 Phase II Avelumab Avelumab in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme (SEJ) Completed CAN 0
NCT03107780 Phase I KRT-232 Testing the Ability of AMG 232 (KRT 232) to Get Into the Tumor in Patients With Brain Cancer Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03128047 Phase I Bevacizumab + Temozolomide HUMC 1612: Optune NovoTTF-200A System Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03139916 Phase II Bavituximab + Temozolomide Bavituximab With Radiation and Temozolomide for Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03149003 Phase II Bevacizumab + DSP-7888 Bevacizumab A Study of DSP-7888 Dosing Emulsion in Combination With Bevacizumab in Patients With Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma Following Initial Therapy (WIZARD201G) Completed USA | CAN 3
NCT03150862 Phase Ib/II Pamiparib Pamiparib + Temozolomide A Study Assessing BGB-290 With Radiation and/or Temozolomide (TMZ) in Subjects With Newly Diagnosed or Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA | NLD | FRA | CHE | AUS 0
NCT03174197 Phase Ib/II Atezolizumab + Temozolomide Atezolizumab (aPDL1) + Temozolomide and Radiation for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GBM) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03197506 Phase II Pembrolizumab + Temozolomide Pembrolizumab Pembrolizumab and Standard Therapy in Treating Patients With Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03212742 Phase Ib/II Olaparib + Temozolomide Phase I/IIa Study of Concomitant Radiotherapy With Olaparib and Temozolomide in Unresectable High Grade Gliomas Patients (OLA-TMZ-RTE-01) Active, not recruiting FRA 0
NCT03216499 Phase II PT2385 HIF-2 Alpha Inhibitor PT2385 in Treating Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03220646 Phase II Abemaciclib Abemaciclib (LY2835219) in Patients With Recurrent Primary Brain Tumors Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03223103 Phase I Safety and Immunogenicity of Personalized Genomic Vaccine and Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) to Treat Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03224104 Phase I Radiotherapy + Zotiraciclib Temozolomide + Zotiraciclib Zotiraciclib Study of TG02 in Elderly Newly Diagnosed or Adult Relapsed Patients With Anaplastic Astrocytoma or Glioblastoma (STEAM) Completed NLD | FRA | DEU | CHE | AUT 0
NCT03233152 Phase I Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Intra-tumoral Ipilimumab Plus Intravenous Nivolumab Following the Resection of Recurrent Glioblastoma (GlitIpNi) Unknown status BEL 0
NCT03234712 Phase I ABBV-321 A Study Evaluating the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Anti-tumor Activity of ABBV-321 in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors Associated With Overexpression of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) or Its Ligands Completed USA | ISR | AUS 0
NCT03250299 Phase I BAL101553 Microtubule-Targeted Agent BAL101553 and Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT03277638 Phase Ib/II Pembrolizumab Laser Interstitial Thermotherapy Combined With Checkpoint Inhibitor for Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT03294486 Phase Ib/II Flucytosine + TG6002 Safety and Efficacy of the ONCOlytic VIRus Armed for Local Chemotherapy, TG6002/5-FC, in Recurrent Glioblastoma Patients (ONCOVIRAC) Unknown status FRA 0
NCT03296696 Phase I AMG 596 Study of AMG 596 in Patients With EGFRvIII Positive Glioblastoma Terminated USA | NLD | FRA | ESP | DEU | AUS 0
NCT03332355 Phase I PAC-1 + Temozolomide Procaspase Activating Compound-1 (PAC-1) in the Treatment of Advanced Malignancies - Component 2 Terminated USA 0
NCT03341806 Phase I Avelumab Avelumab With Laser Interstitial Therapy for Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03344250 Phase I EGFRBi-armed autologous activated T cells Phase I EGFR BATs in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Unknown status USA 0
NCT03347617 Phase II Pembrolizumab Ferumoxytol MRI in Assessing Response to Pembrolizumab in Patients With Brain Tumors From Melanoma and Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03367715 Phase II Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Nivolumab, Ipilimumab, and Short-course Radiotherapy in Adults With Newly Diagnosed, MGMT Unmethylated Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03382977 Phase I VBI-1901 Study to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability, and Optimal Dose of Candidate GBM Vaccine VBI-1901 in Recurrent GBM Subjects Recruiting USA 0
NCT03383978 Phase I Ezabenlimab + NK-92/5.28.z Intracranial Injection of NK-92/5.28.z Cells in Combination With Intravenous Ezabenlimab in Patients With Recurrent HER2-positive Glioblastoma (CAR2BRAIN) Active, not recruiting DEU 0
NCT03405792 Phase II Pembrolizumab + Temozolomide Study Testing The Safety and Efficacy of Adjuvant Temozolomide Plus TTFields (Optune®) Plus Pembrolizumab in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (2-THE-TOP) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03412877 Phase II Aldesleukin + Cyclophosphamide + Fludarabine + iTCR-transduced PBL Aldesleukin + Cyclophosphamide + Fludarabine + iTCR-transduced PBL + Pembrolizumab Administration of Autologous T-Cells Genetically Engineered to Express T-Cell Receptors Reactive Against Mutated Neoantigens in People With Metastatic Cancer Recruiting USA 0
NCT03422094 Phase I Ipilimumab + NeoVax + Nivolumab NeoVax + Nivolumab Neoantigen-based Personalized Vaccine Combined With Immune Checkpoint Blockade Therapy in Patients With Newly Diagnosed, Unmethylated Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT03423628 Phase I AZD1390 A Study to Assess the Safety and Tolerability of AZD1390 Given With Radiation Therapy in Patients With Brain Cancer Recruiting USA | GBR 1
NCT03425292 Phase I Temozolomide Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Nivolumab A Longitudinal Assessment of Tumor Evolution in Patients With Brain Cancer Completed USA 0
NCT03426891 Phase I Pembrolizumab + Temozolomide + Vorinostat Pembrolizumab and Vorinostat Combined With Temozolomide for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03430791 Phase II Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Nivolumab Trial of Combination TTF(Optune), Nivolumab Plus/Minus Ipilimumab for Recurrent Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT03449381 Phase I BI 907828 This Study Aims to Find the Best Dose of BI 907828 (Brigimadlin) in Patients With Different Types of Advanced Cancer (Solid Tumors) Active, not recruiting USA | SWE | POL | ISR | ESP | DNK | DEU | CAN | BEL 2
NCT03452579 Phase II Bevacizumab + Nivolumab Nivolumab Plus Standard Dose Bevacizumab Versus Nivolumab Plus Low Dose Bevacizumab in GBM Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03452930 Phase I Tinostamustine Tinostamustine With or Without Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed MGMT-Unmethylated Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03463265 Phase II Lomustine + Nab-rapamycin Nab-rapamycin Nab-rapamycin + Temozolomide Bevacizumab + Nab-rapamycin ABI-009 (Nab-Rapamycin) in Recurrent High Grade Glioma and Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03466450 Phase Ib/II Glasdegib + Temozolomide Glasdegib (PF-04449913) With Temozolomide Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GEINOGLAS) Completed ESP 0
NCT03491683 Phase Ib/II Cemiplimab + INO-5401 + Rocakinogene sifuplasmid + Temozolomide INO-5401 and INO-9012 Delivered by Electroporation (EP) in Combination With Cemiplimab (REGN2810) in Newly-Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GBM) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03493932 Phase I Nivolumab + Relatlimab Cytokine Microdialysis for Real-Time Immune Monitoring in Glioblastoma Patients Undergoing Checkpoint Blockade Completed USA 0
NCT03514069 Phase I Ruxolitinib Ruxolitinib + Temozolomide Ruxolitinib With Radiation and Temozolomide for Grade III Gliomas and Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03532295 Phase II Bevacizumab + Epacadostat + Radiotherapy + Retifanlimab Bevacizumab + Radiotherapy + Retifanlimab INCMGA00012 and Epacadostat in Combination With Radiation and Bevacizumab in Patients With Recurrent Gliomas Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03535350 Phase I Ibrutinib Ibrutinib + Temozolomide Ibrutinib With Radiation and Temozolomide in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03581292 Phase II Temozolomide + Veliparib Veliparib Veliparib, Radiation Therapy, and Temozolomide in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Malignant Glioma Without H3 K27M or BRAFV600 Mutations Active, not recruiting USA | NZL | CAN | AUS 1
NCT03587038 Phase I OKN-007 + Temozolomide OKN-007 in Combination With Adjuvant Temozolomide Chemoradiotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03596086 Phase Ib/II HSV-Tk + Valacyclovir HSV-tk + Valacyclovir + SBRT + Chemotherapy for Recurrent GBM Recruiting USA 0
NCT03603405 Phase Ib/II HSV-Tk HSV-tk and XRT and Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed GBM Recruiting USA 0
NCT03605550 Phase I Unesbulin A Phase 1b Study of PTC596 in Children With Newly Diagnosed Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma and High Grade Glioma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03607643 Phase Ib/II Temozolomide Bevacizumab + Fluorouracil + Irinotecan + Leucovorin + Oxaliplatin Bevacizumab + Cannabidiol + Fluorouracil + Irinotecan + Leucovorin + Oxaliplatin Bortezomib Bortezomib + Cannabidiol Cannabidiol + Gemcitabine Cannabidiol + Temozolomide Gemcitabine A Study of the Efficacy of Cannabidiol in Patients With Multiple Myeloma, Glioblastoma Multiforme, and GI Malignancies Unknown status USA 0
NCT03631836 Phase I Andecaliximab + Bevacizumab Phase I Study of Monoclonal Antibondy (GS) 5745, an Matix Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) Mab Inhibitor, in Combination With Bevacizumab in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma (MARELLE01) Unknown status FRA 0
NCT03636477 Phase I Ad-RTS-IL-12 plus AL + Nivolumab A Study of Ad-RTS-hIL-12 With Veledimex in Combination With Nivolumab in Subjects With Glioblastoma; a Substudy to ATI001-102 Completed USA 0
NCT03637764 Phase Ib/II Atezolizumab + Isatuximab Isatuximab Safety, Preliminary Efficacy and PK of Isatuximab (SAR650984) Alone or in Combination With Atezolizumab in Patients With Advanced Malignancies Terminated USA | NLD | ITA | ESP | CZE | CAN | BEL 1
NCT03643549 Phase Ib/II Bortezomib + Temozolomide Bortezomib and Temozolomide in Recurrent Grade-4 Glioma Unmethylated MGMT Promoter (BORTEM-17) (BORTEM-17) Recruiting NOR 0
NCT03657576 Phase I C134-HSV-1 Trial of C134 in Patients With Recurrent GBM (C134-HSV-1) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03661723 Phase II Bevacizumab Pembrolizumab Bevacizumab + Pembrolizumab Pembrolizumab and Reirradiation in Bevacizumab Naïve and Bevacizumab Resistant Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03673787 Phase Ib/II Atezolizumab + Ipatasertib A Trial of Ipatasertib in Combination With Atezolizumab (IceCAP) Unknown status GBR 0
NCT03681028 Phase I Feasibility of Individualized Therapy for Recurrent GBM Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03688178 Phase II pp65 Dendritic Cell Vaccine + Temozolomide pp65 Dendritic Cell Vaccine + Temozolomide + Varlilumab DC Migration Study to Evaluate TReg Depletion In GBM Patients With and Without Varlilumab (DERIVe) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03696355 Phase I GDC-0084 Study of GDC-0084 in Pediatric Patients With Newly Diagnosed Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma or Diffuse Midline Gliomas Completed USA 0
NCT03707457 Phase I Ipilimumab + Nivolumab MK-4166 + Nivolumab Epacadostat + Nivolumab Biomarker-Driven Therapy Using Immune Activators With Nivolumab in Patients With First Recurrence of Glioblastoma Terminated USA 0
NCT03714334 Phase I DNX-2440 DNX-2440 Oncolytic Adenovirus for Recurrent Glioblastoma Terminated ESP 0
NCT03726515 Phase I CART-EGFRvIII + Pembrolizumab CART-EGFRvIII + Pembrolizumab in GBM Completed USA 0
NCT03732352 Phase II Osimertinib 18F-FDG PET and Osimertinib in Evaluating Glucose Utilization in Patients With EGFR Activated Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT03743662 Phase II Nivolumab Bevacizumab Nivolumab With Radiation Therapy and Bevacizumab for Recurrent MGMT Methylated Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03749187 Phase I Pamiparib + Temozolomide BGB-290 and Temozolomide in Treating Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH)1/2-Mutant Grade I-IV Gliomas (PNOC017) Recruiting USA 0
NCT03750071 Phase Ib/II Avelumab + VXM01 VXM01 Plus Avelumab Combination Study in Progressive Glioblastoma Unknown status DEU 0
NCT03776071 Phase III Enzastaurin Temozolomide Enzastaurin + Temozolomide A Trial of Enzastaurin Plus Temozolomide During and Following Radiation Therapy in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma With or Without the Novel Genomic Biomarker, DGM1 Completed USA | CAN 1
NCT03782415 Phase Ib/II Temozolomide Ibudilast + Temozolomide Study to Evaluate Ibudilast and TMZ Combo Treatment in Recurrent GBM Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03797326 Phase II Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab Efficacy and Safety of Pembrolizumab (MK-3475) Plus Lenvatinib (E7080/MK-7902) in Previously Treated Participants With Select Solid Tumors (MK-7902-005/E7080-G000-224/LEAP-005) Completed USA | ITA | ISR | GBR | FRA | ESP | DEU | CHE | CAN | AUS | ARG 6
NCT03856099 Phase II Tanibirumab TTAC-0001 Phase II Trial With Recurrent Glioblastoma Progressed on Bevacizumab Terminated USA | AUS 0
NCT03866109 Phase Ib/II Temferon A Study Evaluating Temferon in Patients with Glioblastoma & Unmethylated MGMT (TEM-GBM) Recruiting ITA 0
NCT03893487 Phase I CUDC-907 Fimepinostat in Treating Brain Tumors in Children and Young Adults (PNOC016) Active, not recruiting USA | CHE 0
NCT03896568 Phase I DNX-2401 MSC-DNX-2401 in Treating Patients With Recurrent High-Grade Glioma Recruiting USA 0
NCT03911388 Phase I HSV-1 G207 HSV G207 in Children With Recurrent or Refractory Cerebellar Brain Tumors Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03919071 Phase II Dabrafenib + Trametinib Dabrafenib Combined With Trametinib After Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Newly-Diagnosed High-Grade Glioma Active, not recruiting USA 1
NCT03961971 Phase I Sabatolimab + Spartalizumab Trial of Anti-Tim-3 in Combination With Anti-PD-1 and SRS in Recurrent GBM Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT03965494 Phase I Bemcentinib AXL Inhibitor BGB324 in Treating Participants With Recurrent Glioblastoma Undergoing Surgery Terminated USA 0
NCT03970447 Phase II Lomustine Regorafenib Temozolomide A Trial to Evaluate Multiple Regimens in Newly Diagnosed and Recurrent Glioblastoma (GBM AGILE) Recruiting USA | FRA | DEU | CHE | CAN | AUS 0
NCT03975829 FDA approved Dabrafenib + Trametinib Pediatric Long-Term Follow-up and Rollover Study Active, not recruiting USA | SWE | NLD | ITA | ISR | GBR | FRA | FIN | ESP | DNK | DEU | CZE | CAN | BRA | BEL | AUS | ARG 2
NCT03995706 Phase I Sacituzumab govitecan-hziy Neuro/Sacituzumab Govitecan/Breast Brain Metastasis/Glioblastoma/Ph 0 Completed USA 0
NCT04003649 Phase I Anti-IL13RA2 CAR-T cells Anti-IL13RA2 CAR-T cells + Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Anti-IL13RA2 CAR-T cells + Nivolumab IL13Ra2-CAR T Cells with or Without Nivolumab and Ipilimumab in Treating Patients with GBM Recruiting USA 0
NCT04013672 Phase II Montanide ISA 51 + Pembrolizumab + Sargramostim + SurVaxM Phase II Study of Pembrolizumab Plus SurVaxM for Glioblastoma at First Recurrence Completed USA 0
NCT04015700 Phase I GNOS-PV01 + Rocakinogene sifuplasmid Neoantigen-based Personalized DNA Vaccine in Patients With Newly Diagnosed, Unmethylated Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04047303 Phase I CC-90010 CNS Penetration, PK and PD of Preoperative CC-90010 in Progressive/Recurrent Diffuse Astrocytoma, Anaplastic Astrocytoma and Glioblastoma Terminated USA | ESP 0
NCT04049669 Phase II Cyclophosphamide + Etoposide + Indoximod Indoximod + Lomustine + Temozolomide Indoximod + Temozolomide Indoximod Pediatric Trial of Indoximod With Chemotherapy and Radiation for Relapsed Brain Tumors or Newly Diagnosed DIPG Recruiting USA 0
NCT04051606 Phase II Regorafenib Phase II Study of Regorafenib in Bevacizumab Refractory Recurrent Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04074785 Phase I Abemaciclib + Bevacizumab Abemaciclib w/Bevacizumab in Recurrent GBM Pts w/Loss of CDKN2A/B or Gain or Amplification of CDK4/6 Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04089449 Phase I PRT811 A Study of PRT811 in Participants With Advanced Solid Tumors, Gliomas and Myelofibrosis Completed USA 0
NCT04116658 Phase Ib/II EO2401 First-in-Human, Phase 1b/2a Trial of a Multipeptide Therapeutic Vaccine in Patients With Progressive Glioblastoma (ROSALIE) Completed USA | FRA | ESP | DEU 0
NCT04118036 Phase II Abemaciclib + Pembrolizumab Abemaciclib + Pembrolizumab In Glioblastoma Withdrawn USA 0
NCT04121455 Phase Ib/II NOX-A12 Bevacizumab + NOX-A12 Glioblastoma Treatment With Irradiation and Olaptesed Pegol (NOX-A12) in MGMT Unmethylated Patients (GLORIA) Active, not recruiting DEU 0
NCT04145115 Phase II Ipilimumab + Nivolumab A Study Testing the Effect of Immunotherapy (Ipilimumab and Nivolumab) in Patients With Recurrent Glioma With Elevated Mutational Burden Suspended USA 1
NCT04195139 Phase II Nivolumab + Temozolomide Temozolomide Nivolumab and Temozolomide Versus Temozolomide Alone in Newly Diagnosed Elderly Patients With GBM (NUTMEG) Active, not recruiting USA | AUS 0
NCT04197934 Phase I WSD0922 WSD0922-FU for the Treatment of Glioblastoma, Anaplastic Astrocytoma, or Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with Central Nervous System Metastases Recruiting USA 0
NCT04201873 Phase I DC tumor cell lysate vaccine + Poly ICLC DC tumor cell lysate vaccine + Pembrolizumab + Poly ICLC Pembrolizumab and a Vaccine (ATL-DC) for the Treatment of Surgically Accessible Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT04214392 Phase I Chlorotoxin-CD28-CD3z-CD19t CART cells Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cells With a Chlorotoxin Tumor-Targeting Domain for the Treatment of MMP2+ Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT04216329 Phase I Selinexor + Temozolomide Selinexor (KPT-330) in Combination With Temozolomide and Radiation Therapy in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04221503 Phase II Niraparib Niraparib/TTFields in GBM Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04225039 Phase II INCAGN01876 + Retifanlimab Anti-GITR/Anti-PD1/Stereotactic Radiosurgery, in Recurrent Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04254419 Phase I Intra-tumoral Injection of Natural Killer Cells in High-Grade Gliomas Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT04259450 Phase Ib/II AFM24 Study to Assess AFM24 in Advanced Solid Cancers Completed USA | GBR | ESP | DEU 1
NCT04280848 Phase Ib/II UCPVax Anticancer Therapeutic Vaccination Using Telomerase-derived Universal Cancer Peptides in Glioblastoma (UCPVax-Glio) Completed FRA 0
NCT04295759 Phase I INCB7839 INCB7839 in Treating Children With Recurrent/Progressive High-Grade Gliomas Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04324840 Phase Ib/II CC-90010 + Temozolomide A Study of CC-90010 in Combination With Temozolomide With or Without Radiation Therapy in Subjects With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Terminated USA | SWE | NOR | NLD | ITA | ESP | DNK 0
NCT04373785 Phase Ib/II NG101m + Temozolomide NG101m Adjuvant Therapy in Glioblastoma Patients Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT04388475 Phase II OKN-007 + Temozolomide Open-label Study Investigating of OKN-007 Combined With Temozolomide in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04396860 Phase II Temozolomide Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Testing the Use of the Immunotherapy Drugs Ipilimumab and Nivolumab Plus Radiation Therapy Compared to the Usual Treatment (Temozolomide and Radiation Therapy) for Newly Diagnosed MGMT Unmethylated Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04406272 Phase II Bevacizumab + VB-111 VB-111 in Surgically Accessible Recurrent/Progressive GBM Terminated USA 0
NCT04421378 Phase Ib/II Lomustine + Selinexor Lomustine Selinexor + Temozolomide Temozolomide Selinexor A Study of Selinexor in Combination With Standard of Care Therapy for Newly Diagnosed or Recurrent Glioblastoma Terminated USA | CAN 0
NCT04429542 Phase I BCA101 BCA101 + Pembrolizumab Study of Safety and Tolerability of BCA101 Monotherapy and in Combination Therapy in Patients With EGFR-driven Advanced Solid Tumors Recruiting USA | CAN | AUS 0
NCT04443010 Phase Ib/II Temozolomide Onfekafusp alfa + Temozolomide Safety and Efficacy of L19TNF Plus Temozolomide Chemoradiotherapy in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GLIOSUN) Recruiting CHE 0
NCT04444427 Phase Ib/II GLR2007 Evaluation of GLR2007 for Advanced Solid Tumors Completed USA 0
NCT04478279 Phase Ib/II ST-101 A Phase 1-2 Study of ST101 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Active, not recruiting USA | GBR 0
NCT04479241 Phase I Pembrolizumab + PVSRIPO A Phase 1 Study of PVSRIPO and Pembrolizumab in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Completed USA 0
NCT04482933 Phase II HSV-1 G207 HSV G207 With a Single Radiation Dose in Children With Recurrent High-Grade Glioma Recruiting USA 0
NCT04485949 Phase II Temozolomide IGV-001 + Temozolomide A Phase 2b Clinical Study With a Combination Immunotherapy in Newly Diagnosed Patients With Glioblastoma - the ImmuneSense Study Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04555577 Phase I Peposertib Temozolomide Peposertib and Radiation Therapy, Followed by Temozolomide for the Treatment of Patients With Newly Diagnosed MGMT Unmethylated Glioblastoma or Gliosarcoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT04559230 Phase II Sacituzumab govitecan-hziy Sacituzumab Govitecan in Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT04573192 Phase Ib/II Lomustine + Onfekafusp alfa Lomustine A Study to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of L19TNF Plus Lomustine in Patients With Glioblastoma at First Progression (GLIOSTAR) Recruiting ITA | FRA | DEU | CHE 0
NCT04590664 Phase Ib/II Verteporfin Verteporfin for the Treatment of Recurrent High Grade EGFR-Mutated Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT04599647 Expanded access PVSRIPO EAP for the Treatment of Glioblastoma With PVSRIPO No longer available USA 0
NCT04606316 Phase I Nivolumab Ipilimumab + Nivolumab Surgical Nivolumab And Ipilimumab For Recurrent GBM Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04608812 Phase I OS2966 Convection-enhanced Delivery of OS2966 for Patients With High-grade Glioma Undergoing a Surgical Resection Terminated USA 0
NCT04614909 Phase I Olaparib Pamiparib Pamiparib + Temozolomide Olaparib + Pamiparib + Temozolomide Phase 0/2 Study of Pamiparib in Newly Diagnosed and rGBM Recruiting USA 0
NCT04629209 Phase II ONC201 A Phase II, Open Label Study of ONC201 in Adults With EGFR-low Glioblastoma Withdrawn USA 0
NCT04655404 Phase I Larotrectinib A Pilot Study of Larotrectinib for Newly-Diagnosed High-Grade Glioma With NTRK Fusion Recruiting USA | DEU | CAN | AUS 0
NCT04656535 Phase I Zimberelimab AB154 AB154 + Zimberelimab AB154 Combined With AB122 for Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT04681677 Phase II Bevacizumab Recurrent GBM Treated With Neurosurgical Resection and IORT Using the Xoft Axxent eBx System and Bevacizumab (IORT) Terminated USA 0
NCT04691960 Phase II Metformin A Pilot Study of Ketogenic Diet and Metformin in Glioblastoma: Feasibility and Metabolic Imaging Recruiting USA 0
NCT04704154 Phase II Nivolumab + Regorafenib A Trial to Learn Whether Regorafenib in Combination With Nivolumab Can Improve Tumor Responses and How Safe it is for Participants With Solid Tumors Completed USA | ITA | GBR | FRA | BEL 3
NCT04729959 Phase II Atezolizumab + Tocilizumab Testing the Addition of the Immune Therapy Drugs, Tocilizumab and Atezolizumab, to Radiation Therapy for Recurrent Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04741984 Phase I MT-201-GBM Monocyte Antigen Carrier Cells for Newly Diagnosed GBM Withdrawn 0
NCT04752813 Phase II BPM 31510 + Temozolomide A Study of BPM31510 With Vitamin K1 in Subjects With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GB) Recruiting USA 0
NCT04765098 Phase II Tamoxifen Lomustine Tamoxifen Versus Lomustine After First Recurrence in GBM Patients Recruiting CAN 0
NCT04809805 Phase I BAY2666605 A Study to Learn How Safe BAY2666605 is, How it Affects the Body, How it Moves Into, Through and Out of the Body, the Maximum Amount That Can be Given and Its Action Against Tumors in Adult Participants With Skin Cancer That Has Spread to Other Parts of the Body and Other Types of Advanced Cancer Terminated USA 0
NCT04817254 Phase II Ipilimumab + Nivolumab + Temozolomide Association of Peripheral Blood Immunologic Response to Therapeutic Response to Adjuvant Treatment With Immune Checkpoint Inhibition (ICI) in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma or Gliosarcoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT04826393 Phase I ASP8374 + Cemiplimab ASP8374 + Cemiplimab in Recurrent Glioma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT04851834 Phase Ib/II Cisplatin + NTX-301 NTX-301 NTX-301 + Temozolomide Carboplatin + NTX-301 NTX-301 Monotherapy in Advanced Solid Tumours and in Combination With Platinum-based Chemotherapy in Advanced Ovarian & Bladder Cancer and in Combination With Temozolomide in High-grade Glioma Terminated AUS 0
NCT04854044 Phase I ONC201 ONC201 and Radiation Therapy Before Surgery for the Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma Withdrawn USA 0
NCT04874506 Phase II Tempol MBM-02 (Tempol) for the Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Unknown status USA 0
NCT04908176 Phase I Avapritinib + Midazolam A Drug-drug Interaction Study of Avapritinib and Midazolam Completed USA 0
NCT04910022 Phase Ib/II NMS-03305293 + Temozolomide Lomustine Ph I/II Study of NMS-03305293+TMZ in Adult Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA | NLD | ITA | CHE 1
NCT04922723 Phase Ib/II Daratumumab Radiation/Temozolomide and Immunotherapy With Daratumumab to Improve Antitumor Efficacy in Glioblastoma (PRIDE) Recruiting USA 0
NCT04977375 Phase Ib/II Pembrolizumab Trial of Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy and Stereotactic Radiation in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT04978727 Phase I SurVaxM A Pilot Study of SurVaxM in Children Progressive or Relapsed Medulloblastoma, High Grade Glioma, Ependymoma and Newly Diagnosed Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Recruiting USA | CAN 0
NCT04982926 Phase I TAS2940 A Study of TAS2940 in Participants With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumor Cancer Active, not recruiting USA | FRA 0
NCT05039281 Phase Ib/II Atezolizumab + Cabozantinib Atezolizumab and Cabozantinib for the Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05052957 Phase II Carmustine + Filgrastim + O6-benzylguanine + Temozolomide hSTAR GBM (Hematopoetic Stem Cell (HPC) Rescue for GBM) (hSTAR GBM) Recruiting USA 0
NCT05053880 Phase Ib/II ACT001 + Pembrolizumab ACT001 A Study to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of ACT001 and Anti-PD-1 in Patients With Surgically Accessible Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Unknown status USA 0
NCT05074992 Phase II Ipilimumab A Trial of Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (NeAT Glio) Terminated GBR 0
NCT05076513 Phase I Niraparib Trial of Niraparib in Participants With Newly-diagnosed Glioblastoma and Recurrent Glioma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT05083754 Phase I Retifanlimab Temozolomide Retifanlimab + Temozolomide Carmustine Wafer in Combination With Retifanlimab and Radiation With/Without Temozolomide in Subjects With Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05084430 Phase Ib/II M032 + Pembrolizumab Study of Pembrolizumab and M032 (NSC 733972) Recruiting USA 0
NCT05095441 Phase I MVR-C5252 A Clinical Study of Intratumoral MVR-C5252 (C5252) in Patients With Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT05096481 Phase II PEP-CMV + Temozolomide PEP-CMV Vaccine Targeting CMV Antigen to Treat Newly Diagnosed Pediatric HGG and DIPG and Recurrent Medulloblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05099003 Phase Ib/II Selinexor A Study of the Drug Selinexor With Radiation Therapy in Patients With Newly-Diagnosed Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine (DIPG) Glioma and High-Grade Glioma (HGG) Recruiting USA | NZL | CAN | AUS 0
NCT05106296 Phase I Cyclophosphamide + Etoposide + Ibrutinib + Indoximod Chemo-immunotherapy Using Ibrutinib Plus Indoximod for Patients With Pediatric Brain Cancer Recruiting USA 0
NCT05120960 Phase I Tepotinib Osimertinib + Tepotinib A Phase 1a/1b Study to Determine the Recommended Phase 2 Dose, of Tepotinib in Participants With MET Alterations and Brain Tumors Withdrawn 0
NCT05163080 Phase II SurVaxM + Temozolomide Montanide ISA 51 + Sargramostim + SurVaxM + Temozolomide SurVaxM Plus Adjuvant Temozolomide for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (SURVIVE) (SURVIVE) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT05182905 Phase I AZD1390 Phase 0 Plus Expansion Study of AZD1390 in Recurrent GBM Patients Recruiting USA 0
NCT05183204 Phase II GDC-0084 + Metformin Paxalisib With a High Fat, Low Carb Diet and Metformin for Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05187624 Phase I RO7428731 A Study Evaluating the Safety, Pharmacokinetic and Anti-tumor Activity of RO7428731 in Participants With Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA | NLD | ESP | DNK | CAN | AUS 0
NCT05218408 Phase Ib/II Cyclophosphamide + Fludarabine CYNK-001 CYNK-001 IV and IC in Combination With IL2 in Surgical Eligible Recurrent GBM With IDH-1 Wild Type (CYNK001GBM02) Withdrawn 0
NCT05222802 Phase I ERAS-801 A Study to Evaluate ERAS-801 in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma (THUNDERBBOLT-1) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT05235737 FDA approved Pembrolizumab The Assessment of Immune Response in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Patients Treated With Pembrolizumab (PIRG) Recruiting POL 0
NCT05256290 Phase I BDTX-1535 BDTX-1535 + Temozolomide Phase 1/2 Study of BDTX-1535 in Patients With Glioblastoma or Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer With EGFR Mutations Recruiting USA 0
NCT05271240 Phase III Bevacizumab + Temozolomide Temozolomide Repeated Superselective Intraarterial Cerebral Infusion (SIACI) of Bevacizumab With Temozolomide and Radiation Compared to Temozolomide and Radiation Alone in Newly Diagnosed GBM Recruiting USA 0
NCT05283109 Phase I P30-EPS + Poly ICLC ETAPA I: Peptide-based Tumor Associated Antigen Vaccine in GBM (ETAPA I) Recruiting USA 0
NCT05284643 Phase 0 Bevacizumab Spectroscopic MRI, Proton Therapy, and Avastin for Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05297864 Phase II Niraparib PARP Inhibition for Gliomas (PI-4G or pi4g) Terminated USA 0
NCT05324501 Phase I MTX110 Lomustine + MTX110 A Study of Intra-tumoral Administered MTX110 in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma (MAGIC-G1) Terminated USA 0
NCT05326464 Phase III Tofacitinib Tofacitinib in Recurrent GBM Patients Recruiting USA 0
NCT05353530 Phase I Autologous CXCR2-modified CD70 CAR-T cells Phase I Study of IL-8 Receptor-modified CD70 CAR T Cell Therapy in CD70+ Adult Glioblastoma (IMPACT) (IMPACT) Recruiting USA 0
NCT05366179 Phase I CAR.B7-H3T cells Autologous CAR-T Cells Targeting B7-H3 in Recurrent or Refractory GBM CAR.B7-H3Tc Recruiting USA 0
NCT05376800 Phase I BI 907828 A Study to Determine How BI 907828 (Brigimadlin) is Taken up in the Tumor (Phase 0) and to Determine the Highest Dose of BI 907828 (Brigimadlin) That Could be Tolerated (Phase 1a) in Combination With Radiation Therapy in People With a Brain Tumor Called Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA | ESP | BEL 0
NCT05388435 Phase Ib/II SKL27969 Safety, Tolerability, PK/PD & Preliminary Efficacy of SKL27969 in Advanced Solid Tumors Patients Terminated USA 0
NCT05410301 Phase 0 Bevacizumab + Lomustine Golden Halo, Static Magnetic and Electric Field Device, in Recurrent Glioblastoma Withdrawn USA 0
NCT05423210 Phase I Atezolizumab Atezolizumab and Pre-Surgical Brain Radiation Therapy for Glioblastoma Multiforme Recruiting USA 0
NCT05429502 Phase Ib/II Ribociclib + Temozolomide + Topotecan Study of Efficacy and Safety of Ribociclib (LEE011) in Combination With Topotecan and Temozolomide (TOTEM) in Pediatric Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Neuroblastoma and Other Solid Tumors Recruiting USA | ITA | GBR | FRA | ESP | DEU | AUS 1
NCT05432375 Phase I Tinostamustine Study of Tinostamustine for Adjuvant Treatment of Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting ESP | CHE 0
NCT05432804 Phase Ib/II Selinexor + Temozolomide Temozolomide Testing the Addition of an Anti-cancer Drug, Selinexor, to the Usual Chemotherapy Treatment (Temozolomide) for Brain Tumors That Have Returned After Previous Treatment Recruiting USA 0
NCT05450744 Phase I 131I-TLX-101 131I-TLX-101 for Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (IPAX-2) (IPAX-2) Recruiting NZL | NLD | AUT | AUS 0
NCT05463848 Phase II Olaparib + Pembrolizumab + Temozolomide Pembrolizumab Surgical Pembro +/- Olaparib w TMZ for rGBM Recruiting USA 0
NCT05465954 Phase II NT-I7 + Pembrolizumab Efineptakin Alfa and Pembrolizumab for the Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05474378 Phase I Retroviral vector transduced B7-H3 CAR T cells B7-H3 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells (B7-H3CART) in Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Recruiting USA 0
NCT05496595 Phase I DCBY02 DCBY02 or DCSZ11 as a Monotherapy in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors Terminated USA 0
NCT05503797 Phase II Cobicistat + PLX8394 PLX8394 A Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of FORE8394 in Participants With Cancer Harboring BRAF Alterations Recruiting USA | SWE | ITA | GBR | FRA | ESP | DEU | CAN 1
NCT05557292 Phase I RMC-5552 RMC-5552 Monotherapy in Adult Subjects With Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05561374 Phase I OKN-007 Study of Safety and Pharmacokinetic Properties of Oral OKN-007 in Patients With Recurrent High-Grade Glioma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT05599984 Phase I ABBV-706 ABBV-706 + Budigalimab ABBV-706 + Cisplatin ABBV-706 + Carboplatin Study to Evaluate Adverse Events, Change in Disease Activity, and How ABBV-706 Moves Through the Body When Intravenously (IV) Infused Alone or in Combination With IV Infused Budigalimab, Cisplatin, or Carboplatin in Adult Participants With Advanced Solid Tumors Recruiting USA | ITA | ISR | FRA | ESP | DEU | AUS 3
NCT05627323 Phase I CHM-1101 CAR T Cells in Patients With MMP2+ Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT05635734 Phase Ib/II Azeliragon Azeliragon and Chemoradiotherapy in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Active, not recruiting ESP 0
NCT05660369 Phase I CARv3-TEAM-E T-cells CARv3-TEAM-E T Cells in Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05685004 Phase II Temozolomide Temozolomide + TVI-Brain-1 Study of Neoantigen-specific Adoptive T Cell Therapy for Newly Diagnosed MGMT Negative Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Recruiting USA 0
NCT05686798 Phase I Ad5-yCD/mutTK(SR39)rep-ADP Adenovirus Mediated Suicide Gene Therapy With Radiotherapy in Progressive Astrocytoma. Recruiting USA 0
NCT05698199 Phase I ITI-1001 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity and Preliminary Efficacy of ITI-1001 In Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (GBM) Active, not recruiting USA 0
NCT05698524 Phase I Abexinostat + Temozolomide A Study of Temodar With PCI-24781 for Patients With Recurrent Glioma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05700955 Phase I Pembrolizumab + Temozolomide Neoadjuvant Chemoimmunotherapy in Recurrent Glioblastoma Unknown status USA 0
NCT05743595 Phase I Personalized cancer vaccine + Retifanlimab Neoantigen-based Personalized DNA Vaccine With Retifanlimab PD-1 Blockade Therapy in Patients With Newly Diagnosed, Unmethylated Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05785754 Phase I DCSZ11 DCSZ11 as a Monotherapy in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors Recruiting USA | AUS 2
NCT05798507 Phase I RO5126766 Defactinib Identification of Treatment Concentrations of Defactinib or VS-6766 for the Treatment of Patients With Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT05879120 Phase II Pembrolizumab Randomized Study of Neo-adjuvant and Adjuvant Pembrolizumab With and Without Targeted Blood Brain Barrier Opening Using Exablate MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound (Exablate MRgFUS) for Recurrent Glioblastoma Withdrawn USA 0
NCT05887882 Phase I TGF-beta-imprinted NK cells Intra-Tumoral Injections of Natural Killer Cells for Recurrent Malignant Brain Tumors (PNOC028) Recruiting USA 0
NCT05909618 Phase II Crizanlizumab + Nivolumab Crizanlizumab Crizanlizumab Alone or in Combination With Nivolumab for Glioblastoma and Melanoma With Brain Metastases (14) Recruiting ISR 0
NCT05929495 Phase II Metformin + Temozolomide Metformin Phase 2, Open-label, Single-arm Study on the Use of Metformin as Adjunctive Therapy in High-grade Glioma Not yet recruiting ITA 0
NCT05938387 Phase I CVGBM Safety and Tolerability of CVGBM in Adults With Newly Diagnosed MGMT-Unmethylated Glioblastoma or Astrocytoma Active, not recruiting NLD | DEU | BEL 0
NCT05956821 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab + Cetuximab Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory Intracranial Glioma in Patients Under 22 Years of Age Recruiting USA 0
NCT05977322 Phase I 177Lu-FF58 A Phase I Study of [177Lu]Lu-FF58 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors. Terminated ESP | CHE 0
NCT06011109 Phase Ib/II Bevacizumab APG-157 Treatment of Patients With Recurrent High-Grade Glioma With APG-157 and Bevacizumab Recruiting USA 0
NCT06058988 Phase II Trastuzumab deruxtecan Trastuzumab Deruxtecan (T-DXd) for People With Brain Cancer Recruiting USA 0
NCT06061809 Phase II Bevacizumab + Nogapendekin alfa inbakicept + PD-L1.t-haNK cells N-803 and PD-L1 t-haNK Combined With Bevacizumab for Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT06126744 Phase I MVR-C5252 Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of the Oncolytic HSV1 MVR-C5252 (PuMP) Recruiting USA 0
NCT06157541 Phase Ib/II CYT-101 + Pembrolizumab T Cells and Pembrolizumab for Recurrent and Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (TCaP) Recruiting AUS 0
NCT06160206 Phase II Bevacizumab + Retifanlimab Bevacizumab Retifanlimab With Bevacizumab and Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT06186401 Phase I E-SYNC T cells Cyclophosphamide + Fludarabine Anti-EGFRvIII synNotch Receptor Induced Anti-EphA2/IL-13Ralpha2 CAR (E-SYNC) T Cells Recruiting USA 0
NCT06193174 Phase I C134-HSV-1 Re-Administration of C134 in Patients With Recurrent GBM (C134-HSV-1) Enrolling by invitation USA 0
NCT06264388 Phase II Toca FC + Vocimagene amiretrorepvec DB107-Retroviral Replicating Vector (RRV) Combined With DB107-Flucytosine (FC) in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma or Anaplastic Astrocytoma Recruiting USA 0
NCT06297512 Phase II Doxorubicin + Temozolomide Evaluate the Role of Anthracycline After Radio Therapy in Patients With Glioblastoma (pGBM). Recruiting ITA 0
NCT06325683 Phase II Nivolumab + Relatlimab Lomustine Anti-Lag-3 (Relatlimab) and Anti-PD-1 Blockade (Nivolumab) Versus Standard of Care (Lomustine) for the Treatment of Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Suspended USA 0
NCT06333899 Phase I Lorlatinib Cisplatin + Cyclophosphamide + Lorlatinib + Vincristine Sulfate Carboplatin + Cyclophosphamide + Etoposide + Lorlatinib + Methotrexate + Vincristine Sulfate Lorlatinib for Newly-Diagnosed High-Grade Glioma With ROS or ALK Fusion Not yet recruiting USA | NLD | DEU | CAN | AUS 0
NCT06336291 Phase II Lomustine + Onfekafusp alfa A Study With L19TNF in Combination With Lomustine in Patients With Glioblastoma at Progression or Recurrence (GLIOSTELLA) Recruiting USA 0
NCT06388733 Phase III Niraparib Temozolomide A Study Comparing Niraparib With Temozolomide in Adult Participants With Newly-diagnosed, MGMT Unmethylated Glioblastoma Recruiting USA | FRA | ESP 0
NCT06413706 Phase II Abemaciclib + Temozolomide Temozolomide A Study Comparing Abemaciclib Plus Temozolomide to Temozolomide Monotherapy in Children and Young Adults With High-grade Glioma Following Radiotherapy Recruiting USA | ROU | NLD | ITA | FRA | ESP | DNK | BEL | AUS 1
NCT06455605 Phase Ib/II 2141 V-11 + D2C7-IT D2C7-IT + 2141-V11 Combination Post-resection in rGBM Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT06463184 Phase I Xevinapant Study to Assess Xevinapant in Preoperative Subjects With Recurrent High-Grade Glioma (rHGG) Withdrawn 0
NCT06482905 Phase I TX103 Safety and Efficacy Study of TX103 CAR-T Cell Therapy for Recurrent or Progressive Grade 4 Glioma. Recruiting USA 1
NCT06501911 Phase I Bicalutamide A Study of Bicalutamide With Brain Re-irradiation to Treat Recurrent/Progressive High Grade Glioma Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT06504381 Phase Ib/II Toca FC + Vocimagene amiretrorepvec Temozolomide + Toca FC + Vocimagene amiretrorepvec DB107-RRV, DB107-FC, and Radiation Therapy With or Without Temozolomide (TMZ) for High Grade Glioma Recruiting USA 0
NCT06521567 Phase Ib/II Cobolimab + Dostarlimab-gxly A Study of Cobolimab Plus Dostarlimab in Pediatric and Young Adult Participants With Cancer Recruiting USA 0
NCT06556563 Phase III Pembrolizumab + Temozolomide EF-41/KEYNOTE D58: Phase 3 Study of Optune Concomitant With Temozolomide Plus Pembrolizumab in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma (EF-41) Recruiting USA 1
NCT06614855 Phase I C134-HSV-1 A Phase IB 2 Dose Trial of IRS-1 HSV C134 (IND 17296) Administered Intratumorally in Patients With Recurrent Malignant Glioma Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT06630260 Phase Ib/II Defactinib + RO5126766 + Temozolomide Defactinib + RO5126766 5G-RUBY: Avutometinib and Defactinib in Malignant Brain Tumours (5G-RUBY) Recruiting GBR 0
NCT06632236 Phase I Amivantamab-vmjw 5G-EMERALD: Amivantamab in Malignant Brain Tumours (5G-EMERALD) Recruiting GBR 0
NCT06639607 Phase Ib/II Nivolumab + PEP-CMV + Temozolomide PEP-CMV + Nivolumab for Newly Diagnosed Diffuse Midline Glioma/High-grade Glioma and Recurrent Diffuse Midline Glioma/High-grade Glioma, Medulloblastoma, and Ependymoma (PRiME II) Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT06719362 Phase I M3T01 M3T01 + Temozolomide M3T01 + Pembrolizumab Fluorouracil + Leucovorin + M3T01 + Oxaliplatin + Pembrolizumab A Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Clinical Efficacy of M3T01 Monotherapy and in Combination With Pembrolizumab and Other Systemic Therapies Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT06814496 Phase Ib/II Tarlatamab Radiation Combined With BIspecific T-Cell Engager in DLL3 Expressing Tumors (RABBIT) Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT06815432 Phase I anti-GPC3-IL15-iC9-expressing CAR T-cells GPC-3 CAR T CELLS for Recurrent GPC-3 Positive Glioblastoma Not yet recruiting USA 0
NCT06816927 Phase II Nivolumab + Relatlimab + Temozolomide Nivolumab + Relatlimab Trial of Glioblastoma Immunotherapy Advancement With Nivolumab and Relatlimab (GIANT) Not yet recruiting USA 0